Baldur's Gate 3 Thaniel
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Where Is Thaniel in Baldur’s Gate 3?

In Baldur’s Gate 3, saving the Shadow Cursed Lands can be achieved by rescuing a boy named Thaniel. Halsin will inform you of his importance and ask for your help in finding him. However, the process to finding him is a long one.

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Where Can You Start the Search for Thaniel in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Once you reach the Shadow Cursed Lands in Act 2, make your way to the Last Light Inn. In the main building, head to the first door on the right once you enter. Next to the Flaming Fist meeting happening in this room, there is a man in one of the beds. Talk to him or Fist J’ehlar sitting next to the bed to start a conversation. The sleeping man in Baldur’s Gate 3 is Art Cullagh, and he keeps muttering about Thaniel in his sleep. There’s not much you can do here, but there is someone who can help.

Head back to your camp and speak to Halsin. Tell him about Cullagh’s ramblings, and he’ll instantly leave the camp for the inn. Head back and you’ll now find him sitting at the man’s bedside. Halsin will say that they may be able to wake Cullagh with something that can trigger his memories. J’ehlar will hand you a note that mentions the House of Healing.

Head out into the Shadow Cursed Lands and to the House of Healing, where a small quest will net you a Battered Lute. Return to Cullagh and play it to wake him. Don’t worry, your instrument proficiency and Performance stat don’t matter here!

Baldur's Gate 3 Rescuing Thaniel

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How Do You Rescue Thaniel from the Shadowfell in Baldur’s Gate 3?

With Art Cullagh awake, he informs Halsin that Thaniel is in the Shadowfell. Halsin now needs your help. He can go into the Shadowfell and retrieve Thaniel, but you need to guard the portal for him. Follow him out to the shore behind the inn to start this mission.

You now have to defend the Shadowfell portal from hordes of enemies that will swarm to destroy it. You won’t be able to defeat everyone, as new enemies constantly spawn. Instead, you just need to survive for four turns.

To succeed in this fight, equip your spellcasters with plenty of AoE spells and have them close to the portal itself. Melee fighters should then place a frontline ahead of them. In my attempt, I found a lot of success with Fireball, Fire Bolt on some strategically placed wine barrels in the area, and carefully placed Grease spells. Ideally, you want to target groups with creatures that use ranged attacks, to try and take them out as soon as possible.

I would advise having a Cleric in this battle, as Turn Undead is extremely useful. All enemies in this fight are considered Undead, so they will take damage and be forced to move away from the portal. Clerics can also cast Spiritual Weapon, which can assist the frontline fighters. A Radiant damage Spirit Guardians is also an effective barrier, as enemies will often run straight into it.

After four turns, Halsin will re-emerge from the portal with Thaniel. There’s just one problem. Part of his essence is missing, and it’s up to you to find it.

Where is the Rest of Thaniel in Baldur’s Gate 3?

South-east of the Last Light Inn, there is a waypoint named Shadowed Battlefield. This is where you’ll likely have encountered the ambush to get a Moon Lantern. There is a path heading north-east from this waypoint that leads to the House in Deep Shadows. Here you’ll find Oliver, a young boy that resembles Thaniel. If Halsin is in your party, he will instantly recognise that this is Thaniel’s missing essence.

Trying to convince Oliver to rejoin with Thaniel will result in him walking through a portal. Follow him to initiate a fight where Oliver hides inside a shield while summoning his friends and family in the form of shadow spirits. Your goal here is to destroy Oliver’s shield to get him to cooperate.

This isn’t a tough fight. Even when Oliver summons a large number of “friends” they are all fairly weak and will usually go down in a couple of hits. Your focus should be on the Mummy and Daddy wraiths, as they are much more of a threat, and on Oliver’s shield, which the main target.

Once the fight is over, Oliver will pout about you ruining his fun, and now you can convince him to rejoin Thaniel. If Halsin is in your party, simply hand the reins to him as he knows exactly what to say to the boy. If he is not, your goal is to convince him that Thaniel didn’t abandon him, that he’s Oliver’s true friend and that they would be better off as a team. Once you have successfully negotiated with the child, return to your camp and you will find a complete Thaniel.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is available for PC and PlayStation 5.

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