Private detective Takayuki Yagami spends his days solving cases all around Kamurocho, and in Project Judge he can befriend other characters who live in area for extra benefits such as support in battle. [Thanks, 4Gamer!]
These friends have different livelihoods, and can range from fast food store employees, to students, to hosts, and even a ninja. Some of these people are met through solving their Side Cases, and Yagami can even start a relationship with some of the girls he meets.
As you make more friends, Yagami becomes more well-known around Kamurocho and his reputation will improve. The better your reputation, the more Side Cases are unlocked.
You can easily tell who you can befriend from the icon above their head. Hearing them out will strengthen your bonds, and if you max it out you become friends, improving your reputation.
Here are some of the people Yagami can befriend:
Sakura Amemiya
A massage therapist hailing from Sotenbori in Osaka. She often gets mistaken as a shady person because of her looks.
She’s an on-call masseuse, so you can ask her to come over to the detective agency to give a nice massage. By doing so, your EX Gauge will be refilled.
Ryan Acosta
A foreigner dressed up as a ninja. He spends his days in Japan honing his ninja skills.
When Yagami is fighting alone in the streets, Ryan may jump out and join the fight using his ninjutsu.
Kyushu No. 1 Star Manager
The manager of the longstanding ramen store, Kyushu No. 1 Star. He’s troubled by the fact that the younger crowd aren’t eating there as much as they want to show off other places on social media.
If you befriend him, he’ll help you out during EX Actions if you’re near his store.
There are even some Side Cases which Yagami won’t be able to solve alone. He’ll have to work alongside his newfound friends to solve them.
Girlfriend Events
After meeting some of the women around town, you can message them and get to know them better. If you know each other well enough, they might ask Yagami out on a date. Alternatively, Yagami can also take the initiative to ask them for a date. During dates, you can chat at a café, or have a fun time at a minigame spot…
Try to navigate the date successfully and win over her affections!
If you keep going on dates and get even closer, a “special event” might even occur.
ALEXANDROS has also released the full music video for ‘Arpeggio’, the theme song for Project Judge.
Project Judge launches in Japan, South Korea, and Asia on December 13, 2018 for PlayStation 4. The game launches in the West in 2019. Check out a behind-the-scenes video with personality Takuya Kimura in our previous report here.
Published: Nov 8, 2018 05:00 pm