All Exotic Fish and How to Catch Them in Destiny 2.
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All Exotic Fish and How to Catch Them in Destiny 2

In Destiny 2 Season of the Deep, you can catch many different kinds of fish, including a handful of Exotic ones. Three of them are tied to the new Exotic Scout Rifle Wicked Implement.

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How many Exotic fish are in Destiny 2 Season of the Deep?

There are four Exotic fish to catch at Fishing Ponds during Season of the Deep in Destiny 2. They are as follows:

  • Kheprian Axehead.
  • Whispering Mothcarp.
  • Vexing Placoderm.
  • Aeonian Alpha-Betta.

And they appear across the following Fishing Ponds:

  • Miasma, Savathun’s Throne World.
  • The Cistern, Nessus.
  • Outskirts, EDZ.

You need Bait to catch fish, which is obtained by completing the Salvage and Deep Dives Seasonal Activities, Strikes, Gambit, Crucible, Patrols, Public Events, and by collecting a planet’s resources.

The maximum amount of Bait that you can hold at once is 500, and I’d recommend carrying at least 100 Bait per Exotic fish because they are rare and have a low spawn chance. You should fully expect to spend a decent chunk of Bait before successfully landing each fish, and you may even need more than 500 to net them all.

Once you catch an Exotic fish, deposit it in the aquarium at the H.E.L.M., where you’ll be rewarded with a random Exotic weapon or armor roll and a Broken Blade, depending on the fish.

How do I catch a Kheprian Axehead in Destiny 2?

Kheprian Axehead is the only Exotic fish not tied to the Wicked Implement Exotic Scout Rifle in Destiny 2. It is still important if you want to earn everything possible from Season of the Deep, though, as catching all four nets you the Exotic Angler Triumph and the Pond Pals Emblem.

Unlike the other Exotic catches that only appear in one Fishing Pond, the Kheprian Axehead spawns in all Fishing Ponds on all three planets. This means that if a Public Event starts on one planet and the Fishing Pond disappears, you can return to orbit and go to the next planet, saving you from having to wait for the Public Event to end and the pond to respawn.

Kheprian Axehead in Destiny 2.

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How do I catch a Whispering Mothcarp in Destiny 2?

Whispering Mothcarp is the first fish you must catch if you’re going for Wicked Implement. It is found at Fishing Ponds in the Miasma section of Savathun’s Throne World.

Depositing it at the aquarium gives you the Broken Blade of Strife, the first Broken Blade needed for the Exotic Scout Rifle.

How do I catch a Vexing Placoderm in Destiny 2?

The second Exotic fish that rewards you with a Broken Blade is the Vexing Placoderm. You can catch it in Fishing Ponds at The Cistern on Nessus. Be careful when fishing here as the water is electrified, meaning you’ll take damage over time if you stand in it.

Putting the Vexing Placoderm in the aquarium will give you the Broken Blade of Ambition, which is the second Broken Blade needed for Wicked Implement in Destiny 2.

How do I catch an Aeonian Alpha-Betta in Destiny 2?

The fourth Exotic fish, the Aeonian Alpha-Betta, is the final fish that gives you a Broken Blade in Destiny 2. It’s catchable in the Outskirts section of the EDZ.

Once you bank it at the H.E.L.M. aquarium, you’ll get the Broken Blade of Cunning and can finally progress to fighting the Omen Tormentor and getting your hands on Wicked Implement.

Destiny 2 is available now on the PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and Xbox One.

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