The Botanist is one of the three main gatherer job classes in Final Fantasy XIV, and it focuses on collecting plants, flowers, and other flora. Here is how to unlock the gatherer job and where to find all of the FFXIV Botanist quests.

How to unlock Botanist in FFXIV
The main requirement for unlocking the Botanist in FFXIV is to reach level 10 with your starting job class and finish the job quest tied to it. After you do this, you can switch to other jobs. At this point, head to Old Gridania to X: 6.4, Y: 8.3, where you will find the Botanist’s Guild. Once you get there, speak with Leonceault to get your starter Botanist gear and begin your first quest to unlock it.

All Botanist quests locations
Overall, there are around 22 Botanist job quests across the base game and the first couple of expansions. Here are all of the FFXIV Botanist job quests you receive in the game, the level you need to be to do it, and where to start each one:
- Way of the Botanist (Level 1): Old Gridania X: 6.4, Y: 8.3
- My First Hatchet (Level 1): Old Gridania X: 6.4, Y: 8.3
- Sap for Smiles (Level 5): Old Gridania X: 6.4, Y: 8.3
- Weapons of a Feather (Level 10): Old Gridania X: 6.4, Y: 8.3
- Haste Makes Waste (Level 15): Old Gridania X: 6.4, Y: 8.3
- Dressed to Harvest (Level 20): Old Gridania X: 6.4, Y: 8.3
- Aromatic Aspirations (Level 25): Old Gridania X: 6.4, Y: 8.3
- What Nature Giveth (Level 30): Old Gridania X: 6.4, Y: 8.3
- A Feast to Say the Least (Level 35): Old Gridania X: 6.4, Y: 8.3
- Crisis of Faith (Level 40): Old Gridania X: 6.4, Y: 8.3
- Botanist in a Bind (Level 45): Old Gridania X: 6.4, Y: 8.3
- Seeds of Hope (Level 50): Old Gridania X: 6.4, Y: 8.3
- Call from the Clouds (Level 50): Old Gridania X: 6.4, Y: 8.3
- Onions of Life Bestowing (Level 53): Foundation, Ishgard X: 9.5, Y: 11.9
- Two Nations, One Seed (Level 55): Foundation, Ishgard X: 9.5, Y: 11.9
- Love for Harmony (Level 58): Foundation, Ishgard X: 9.5, Y: 11.9
- Seeds Know No Borders (Level 60): Foundation, Ishgard X: 9.5, Y: 11.9
- Never Meet Your Heroes (Level 60): Old Gridania X: 6.4, Y: 8.3
- You Say Popoto, I Say… (Level 63): Idyllshire X: 5.2, Y: 4.3
- Walking for Walker’s (Level 65): Idyllshire X: 5.2, Y: 4.3
- The White Death (Level 68): Idyllshire X: 5.2, Y: 4.3
- Edgyth’s Winning Streak (Level 70): Idyllshire X: 5.2, Y: 4.3
Final Fantasy XIV is available for PS4, PS5, and PC. It will also be available for Xbox Series X/S in open beta in February 2024.
Published: Jan 17, 2024 08:45 pm