Love, Ghostie is a simulation all about pairing up characters to make them be best friends or lovers, with a big part of that tied to giving gifts. There’s a wide assortment of items you can find lying around the house or buy via the virtual storefront with change you pick up. Building up those relationships goes a lot quicker if you know which ones to pick, so here are the ones to dole out.
How do I give a character a gift in Love, Ghostie?
This is incredibly easy, and you’re walked through it in the tutorial. Basically, after floating over an object in the house and pressing the space bar or clicking on it, you use one action point to add it to your inventory. From there, float over to the room of the character you’d like to pair up with someone else in the house. When you do, make sure you are near the ground. A present-shaped icon will appear immediately next to the doorway.
Press the space button or click with your mouse when you see that icon appear next to the door of a character’s room. You will then be able to select a gift from your inventory, then choose which other house resident you’d like to note is the “giver.” Once you do that, you use one action point to confirm and give the gift.

So what are the best gifts to give characters in Love, Ghostie?
It’s not so much about what the items are! It’s more about the tags associated with them. Each item has one to three tied to them, as well as a quality score of up to five stars. So an ideal gift for a person is to choose a four-to-five star item with a tag that applies to them.
Initially, you don’t know what anyone likes. You need to experiment by giving gifts or sending people on dates or tasks via the chore chart. However, as you play, you can tap the “i” icon in the upper right corner of the screen to bring up a sheet showing everyone’s likes and dislikes.
Or, to make things easier, here are some of the likes I found for all Love, Ghostie characters that can help you pick out the best gifts.
Character: | Likes: |
Ami | Active, Adventurous, Ambitious, Nerdy, Practical |
Apollo | Active, Educational, Neat |
BEEP0 | Artsy, Complex, Neat, Nerdy, Practical |
Calathea | Bright, Classic, Practical, Quiet, Sweet |
Chamel | Creative, Fashionable, Messy, Nerdy, Quiet |
Felix | Lazy, Outdoorsy, Quiet, Simple, Unusual |
Gerard | Dark, Musical, Noisy, Serious, Unusual |
Mina | Bright, Cute, Neat |
Noir | Dark, Fancy, Fashionable, Serious |
Ollin | Classic, Fancy, Fashionable, Unusual |
Sky | Lazy, Messy, Nerdy, Quiet, Simple, Unusual |
Wobbles | Active, Cute, Playful, Simple, Sweet |
Love, Ghostie is available on PCs.
Published: Aug 14, 2024 10:15 am