Best Final Fantasy Solo Fights

In a game series known for its epic party battles, a one-on-one or solo fight can be a game-changer, both in terms of gameplay and narrative. Let’s dive into some of the most iconic and unforgettable solo fights in the Final Fantasy series.

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What are the best solo fights in the Final Fantasy series?

These battles are predominantly one-on-one duels, with a couple of twists thrown in. However, a warning: covering these fights will inevitably lead to spoilers for multiple Final Fantasy games. If you’re okay with that, let’s delve into the fray.

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Kimahri vs Biran & Yenke (Final Fantasy X)

This isn’t your typical one-on-one showdown; it’s more of a David vs. two Goliaths scenario. However, it’s a pivotal moment in Kimahri’s character arc, and winning this battle is incredibly satisfying. Who doesn’t want to prove themselves as worthy, after all?

When Final Fantasy X was released, I was in elementary school and knew little about the ways of internet guides. This fight stumped me for days. It wasn’t until many years later that I discovered you could under-level Kimahri throughout the game to make this fight easier.

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Cloud vs Rufus (Final Fantasy VII)

Again, this is technically not a one-on-one because Rufus has his guard hound with him. However, the strategy in both the original and the remake is to eliminate the dog first and then focus on Rufus, making it essentially a duel with him. This fight is iconic because it demonstrates that Rufus isn’t just a pampered rich kid; he can hold his own in a battle.

It’s also a pivotal moment for Cloud, as he chooses to stay back and give his team a chance to escape, embodying classic heroism that he had previously been avoiding. However, Cloud can’t deny who he is. The Remake version of this fight is even cooler with its over-the-top choreographed set pieces. It’s a shame we never got to face Rufus again after Midgar, at least not in a real fight.

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Noctis vs Ardyn (Final Fantasy XV)

This isn’t just any duel; it’s the climactic moment of a feud that’s been building throughout the entire game and even longer within the universe. What sets this fight apart is just how much of Final Fantasy XV Noctis spends relying on his team. Therefore, fighting alone is an even bigger deal. Of course, the aspect of Noctis finally embracing his destiny as king is a significant part of this duel.

The plot of Final Fantasy XV is often overlooked, partly because much of it is spread across various content and DLC. However in my opinion the finale, especially this duel, truly shines and sticks the landing better than a lot of other Final Fantasy games do. Plus, it’s incredibly cool to battle against someone who possesses similar teleportation abilities. This dynamic adds a visually captivating element to the fight, making it even more memorable.

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Squall vs Seifer (Final Fantasy VIII)

This almost didn’t make the cut because their coolest fight isn’t playable. However, you do get a chance to go head-to-head with Seifer at the end of disc one. The solo showdown with Seifer is short but sweet, marking the first time the two face off as true enemies rather than just rivals. And let’s be honest, they both have a lot to prove, not just to themselves but also to their companions. The whole sequence is wild, with Squall commandeering a car and racing straight to the showdown.

Unlike Cloud earlier, this is the kind of heroism Squall had been yearning for. Facing off against Seifer and Edea solo. By the time Seifer falls, the rest of the party has caught up for a more traditional boss fight against Edea. It’s a blast, and while we do fight Seifer several more times, this initial one-on-one battle is the one that sticks in my mind the most. Ah, right, the boss fights where he can kill Odin later. That one might just top it.

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Barrett vs Dyne (Final Fantasy VII)

Like pretty much all the fights on this list, the symbolism behind this battle is far more significant than the physical confrontation itself. This is the first moment outside of Midgar where we see Barrett show a little about who he is. Dyne and Barrett share striking similarities, and Dyne represents a path Barrett could have easily taken.

In the end, it’s Barrett and Barrett alone who must guide Dyne back to some semblance of sanity, even through death. Barrett emerges victorious, but Dyne’s descent into madness has caused irreversible harm. Knowing he could never forgive himself, Dyne takes his own life. Though his ending is sad, their final confrontation grants Dyne a chance to reclaim his identity, freeing him from the grip of his rage.

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Cecil vs Dark Knight (Final Fantasy IV)

This has to be one of the most crucial fights in terms of storyline, right? I mean, Cecil transforms into the Paladin, and now he’s pitted against the Dark Knight version of himself? It’s the defining moment of the game. It was also a bit of a throwback to the class change event in the first Final Fantasy.

While I definitely think you could argue it’s a bit simple by modern standards (I mean, it’s literally a black-and-white conflict). However, I played Final Fantasy IV after experiencing VII, VIII, and X, and I still found this moment to be incredibly impactful. I can only imagine how it felt playing this back when games weren’t telling a lot of these kinds of stories.

An honorary mention

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I’d be remiss not to mention Cloud vs. Sephiroth at the end of Final Fantasy VII. It’s not on the main list because, well, it’s more of a glorified cutscene, isn’t it? Absolutely an iconic sequence and a fantastic ending to one of the best games of all time, but it’s not a traditional fight. It’s more symbolic, which is why I bring it up here. But, I mean, that scene did cement Omnislash into the hearts of fans forever, so we’re definitely big fans.

Did I leave out one of your favorite fights? Do you think one of these doesn’t belong? Sound off in the comments!

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