Best Homunculus Abilities in Ender Magnolia
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Best Homunculus Abilities in Ender Magnolia

There are a lot of interesting Homunculus Abilities that Lilac can use in Ender Magnolia, however some are clearly more useful than others, or might fit your playstyle better. Here ae some of the most successful abilities and combinations I have found during the course of the game.

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Best Primary Homunculus Abilities

Nola is, simply put, the most important Homunculus ability in the entire game. This is unsurprising, as she fulfills a similar role to the Umbral Knight in Ender Lilies, both being the main Homunculus tied to Lilac throughout the story, and being the only Primary Homunculus available throughout most of the game.

On top of that, Nola doesn’t have a single bad ability. Her Spirit Piercer sword is fast and flexible, allowing for quick combos and dodges. The Soul Harvester scythe is powerful and offers a lot of AoE control, hitting various enemies several times. And her Vanquisher axe is potent and surprisingly fast for such a hard-hitting weapon. Whatever you go with, you can’t go wrong and she will be a mainstay in your rotation of Homunculus.

Best Pressure Abilities in Ender Magnolia

Luiseach is a powerful Homunculus and teacher of sorcery that you can unlock in the mid to late-game in Ender Magnolia. While all three of her abilities lack any Break damage and her starting ability is really unreliable, Luiseach can be one of the highest damage dealers in the game. Do not let her Pressure tag fool you, as she can deal as much damage and more than a Primary Homunculus at times.

Her Whirlwind ability deals massive damage repeatedly as long as you keep the button pressed, and you can pair it with Declan’s Ring for an absurd HP regen build. Meanwhile, her Cocytus ability is great to deal the Frost status effect on enemies (which increases damage dealt for the next hit) and then dealing a powerful blow with Nola’s attacks.

Yolvan is an early game Pressure Homunculus that deals ranged attacks. His entire kit is pretty useful, and some abilities can be better suited for different areas of the game. However, for most bosses, his Eviscerate ability deals massive and constant Break damage. Not to mention that you can use more than one Pressure ability at once, which makes a combo of Luiseach Whirlwind and any of Yolvan’s abilities really strong to deal consistent damage and break.

Best Cooldown Abilities in Ender Magnolia

You can acquire No 7 after completing the Steel District, right after getting access to the Central District.  No 7 is just amazing at anything he does, and he is possibly the second best Homunculus in the game, after Nola. This samurai-style Homunculus has the added gimmick of allowing for some traversal tricks to access difficult areas and secrets in Ender Magnolia.

His Lunar Manifestation starting ability lets you traverse horizontal distances in both the ground and air dealing strong damage and Break damage, as well as making Lilac invulnerable for its duration. Hail Dance is a powerful Frost ability that, although not as consistent, can freeze a lot of enemies on screen, and allows Lilac to float for a short period of time. Finally, Thunder Flower is another powerful aerial ability that deals Shock damage and has a good balance in damage types, while offering similar defensive capabilities as No 7’s starting ability.

But the strongest aspect of No 7 is his Attuner Art, Hidden Mastery. Hitting all enemies on screen three times, it deals massive Break damage and can reduce health bars to smithereens. Hidden Mastery is particularly useful when farming for Scrap in Declan’s Estate, gathering a large number of the weak piranha type enemies in the pond and using the ability on them.

The early game of Ender Magnolia also offers strong Cooldown Homunculus. Shackled Beast can be obtained after completing the Tethered Steeple. He offers a powerful parry that can deal a staggering amount of Break damage and defends Lilac from incoming attacks. His three options are good, but I favor Chain Whip for an all-around balanced attack to surrounding enemies, or Charge for a smaller cooldown that is easier to spam. Benumbed Howl is a good ability, but its cooldown is massive and there are better options at inflicting Frost, as mentioned above with Luiseach and as with the next candidate.

Lito is the second Homunculus you obtain in the game, and a reliable source of utility against distant enemies. However, my favorite of his abilities is Glacial Fist. With this ability, Lito jumps in an arc and hits enemies on the ground in a pretty large area of effect. While his damage numbers aren’t amazing, Lito is one of the most reliable characters to inflict the Frost status effects, being particularly helpful at keeping enemies at bay and allowing you to dish massive damage to dangerous enemies early in the game.

Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist is readily available for the Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X, and Windows PC via Steam.

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