Tears of the Kingdom Zelda
Image via Nintendo

Best Versions of Princess Zelda from The Legend of Zelda Series

There are many beloved characters in the Legend of Zelda franchise, including the person in the series’ title, Princess Zelda herself. With so many iterations of Princess Zelda in existence, these are the three best versions of the heroine and why I love them so much.

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The Wind Waker Tetra Zelda
Image via Nintendo

Best Zelda Versions: Tetra (The Wind Waker)

Tetra is by far the most unique version of Zelda, which is how she stands out compared to her other iterations. In fact, she doesn’t even go by the name of Zelda at first. Instead, she is Tetra, the leader of a pirate crew, above all else. She has no issue getting down and dirty, fighting, and demanding respect from her crew members.

Tetra is more of an equal to the Link from this game and its two sequels than most of the Zeldas throughout the franchise. Sadly, I will admit her role is diminished quite a bit in Phantom Hourglass, but she makes up for that with her return in Spirit Tracks.

Breath of the Wild Zelda
Image via Nintendo

Princess Zelda (Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom)

One of the best Princess Zelda versions is the heir to the Kingdom of Hyrule in both Switch games, Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. She has the deepest characterization of any version of the legendary video game princess across these two titles. She starts out as the bratty princess but grows through strife and conflict to become a powerful leader.

And that is all before her harrowing story arc in TOTK, which is a welcome surprise for the princess. Her character is also brought to life with great voice acting, with the help of English and Japanese actresses Patricia Summersett and Yu Shimamura. Their incredible performances give Zelda a level of emotional depth that has been missing in other games in the franchise.

Image via Nintendo

Childhood Friend Zelda (Skyward Sword)

My personal favorite Zelda has to be the original one from the earliest game in the series’ timeline, Skyward Sword. At the beginning of the game, she starts out as just a childhood friend of Link, which helps flesh her character out a lot in the story.

The two spend so much time together, which gives us time to care about her. Zelda’s warm heart gives her a regal but relatable feel. In addition, her relationship with Link is by far the strongest in this game out of any in the series. This strengthens her character, as she feels even more likable than the others in the series.

Now that I’ve shared which Zelda’s I think were the best in the franchise, I’m curious to see which version of the iconic Princess is your favorite. Please let us know in the comments which Zelda is your personal favorite.

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