Ova Magica is a wholesome and cozy farming game with a creature-taming twist. The creatures in Ova Magica are called blobs, and yes, they are what the name implies; they are literally small blobs. There is even a blob league, clearly a playful homage to the Pokemon league, where you can battle and enter tournaments.

However, some of the blobs are rather strong and will require you to do some training in advance before participating in the blob league. Initially, it may appear there are not many ways to train your blobs, but there are quite a few methods to increase their stats if you know how, so in this guide, we will break down some of the main ways to train these adorable creatures in Ova Magica.
How to level up your blob in Ova Magica
Increasing the overall level of your blob is done by partaking in battles. You can challenge most people on Clover Island to a blob battle. However, every time you battle someone, their level will dramatically increase. Eventually, most people will out-level you.
But this is not the only way to battle blobs in Ova Magica, as you can also battle blobs in the wild if you go to the right locations. The best way to battle wild blobs is by heading into the blob worlds. To do this, you will need to join the Adventures Club, which is located in Clover Valley. Joining this exclusive club will set you back 1000 coins, which is quite pricey at the beginning of the game but worth it. After joining the club, you will be able to partake in expeditions to the blob world, where there are a ton of wild blobs and different resources that you can use to craft new items.
After your romance level with someone reaches level 1, you can bring that character into the blob worlds with you, making it far more manageable of an experience when you are at a lower level. Every time you go on an expedition, you will have to buy a new rune at the Adventures’ Club to open the gate to the blob world.

If the Adventures Club is too pricey, fishing and heading to the mines are great alternative methods of levelling up. After you have obtained a fishing rod from Garnet, which you will get from interacting with her for the first time, you can fish near rivers or seasides. If you pull the fishing rod when it has a red exclamation point, it will enter you into a triple-blob battle. To find wild blobs at the mine, head right from the town square, and you will reach the train station, then head down. All these wild blob battles will involve more than one blob, so make sure you have a squad before taking them on.
How to increase your blob stats
Alongside levelling up, you can also increase your blob’s health and energy stats. If you approach your blob and check its stats, it will show that your blob is craving certain foods or show an activity it wants to play. If you give the blob what it’s requesting, then it will increase its stats. Food increases their overall health, and engaging in an activity increases their energy levels. These requests will change every day, so make sure to check with the blob daily.
Ova Magica is now available in early access on Steam.Â
Published: Jul 23, 2024 10:15 am