Debuting at gamescom 2016, the cinematic reveal trailer for Blackwood Crossing follows orphaned siblings Finn and Scarlett as they deal with growing up without their parents. The pair find themselves on a train ride that seems ordinary enough until the appearance of a eerie-looking, rabbit-headed figure (as seen above standing next to the Silence of the Lambs Easter Egg).
Blackwood Crossing is a narrative-rich adventure game being made by PaperSeven Studio, which was founded by former Black Rock Studio/Disney Interactive developers. Serving as the writer and lead designer is Oliver Reid-Smith, who wrote the story for 2012’s critically acclaimed The Room.
Blackwood Crossing is expected to launch during late 2016/early 2017 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam.
Published: Aug 17, 2016 04:00 pm