Choosing The Wrong Option Can Mean Game Over In Experience’s Death Mark For PS Vita

This article is over 8 years old and may contain outdated information

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In late-December we were teased with a little trailer for a PS Vita game called Death Mark (Shiin in Japanese) and this week’s Famitsu reveals it as Experience’s latest horror visual novel game.


There’s a rumor going on in the Tokyo Metropolitan H City that says “those with a birthmark called “Mark” will die,” and a mysterious incident occurred because of that “Mark.” In the midst of all that, those who possess “Marks (the Marked) inquired about a certain mansion. The master of the mansion is a beautiful doll with the ability to speak, is the one who greets visitors.


Those with “Marks” must explore the mansion’s strange spots in order to find a way to lift their curse.


The protagonist is middle-aged man who lost his memory.


He’ll need to pick someone out of the Marked people as a partner to explore and search around the mansion.


At the “Spirit” spots you’ll find the “Strange” that are after the Marked. Since confronting the Strange means certain death, players will need to choose the best option to escape and run away from the Strange.


Choosing the wrong option could end up in a possible game over.


Death Mark releases in Japan in 2017 for PlayStation Vita and will go for 4,800 yen. The game’s development is currently 50% complete.

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Gamer, avid hockey fan, and firm believer in the heart of the cards.