Taking a slight departure from the Hitman series, IO Interactive has their next project, Kane & Lynch: Dead Men. The demo level took place in Tokyo (surprise the extras speak Japanese) with Kane, a hardened mercenary and Lynch, his psychotic escort in the middle of a nightclub. The two loathe each other and bicker during the opening movie. A little unusual considering that Kane and Lynch has two player co-op. Kane begins the level unarmed and he has to steal a weapon from an inane guard. Once he grabs it and begins firing the crowd scatters. About three dozen virtual partiers start running around in a frenzy as Kane pushes his way through the crowd. In the next part of the demo Kane gives orders to a small squad with the D-pad on the Xbox 360 controller. During some missions Kane will be able to recruit thugs and hired guns to help him on top of having Lynch with him. With his team Kane storms into an office building and retrieves a suitcase. The actual gameplay footage was short, but familiar to anyone who played shooters where you run from one cover point to the next.
During Sony’s press conference they showcased Kane and Lynch in their trailer reel, but Eidos has no plans to differentiate it from the Xbox 360 version other than axing achievements. The PS3 version doesn’t take advantage of SIXAXIS motion control and it will look identical to the Xbox 360 release. Well at least online play is free on the PS3 since there aren’t any fees over the Playstation network. Look for it in the fourth quarter of this year if you’re into co-op, story based, gun shooting games.
Published: Jul 23, 2007 06:42 am