In 2008 Namco Bandai Games plans to release a MMO based on the Dragon Ball universe. It’s called Dragon Ball Online and Akira Toriyama is going to be lending a hand with the concept art. You can choose to be one of the different races like Nameks, Sayans and Humans as seen in the screenshot. Once you pick a race you can build up your warrior and learn moves like Goku’s Kamehameha and start fighting. While the game is scheduled to come out in 2008 in Japan, it’s going to be out this summer in Korea, where the Dragon Ball Online is being developed. What hasn’t been decided is how people are going to pay for the game. It could be fee based where you pay a flat fee for a month or an alternative would be to use a cash op system that’s becoming more popular with MMOs in Asia.
Published: Mar 20, 2007 05:57 am