Dragalia Lost has been updated, which means a new banner, an opportunity to prepare for the next event, and the next event’s theme have been announced. A Dragalia Lost Gala Dragalia banner is active, which gives people a chance to pull for Luca’s sister, Sarisse. An adventurer upgrade event designed to help people prepare a light-based team is running. Also, the next event will be the Dream Big Under the Big Top facility event on January 14, 2019.
The Dragalia Lost Gala Dragalia banner functions a bit like a Fire Emblem Heroes legendary banner. Each one will feature limited-time Gala Dragalia units, and Sarisse is the first one. While she is normally an NPC, people can now get a five-star version of her that is a fire elemental and uses a bow. The initial appearance rate for all five-star items in this kind of banner is 6%, instead of 4%, and it will run until January 14, 2019.
Here is Sarisse’s official character bio, skills, co-abilities, and abilities:
An archer from Woodhaven whose skills are equal to her brother, Luca. Rowdy and loud, her special move is a crushing punch that Luca has experienced more than once. She left her village to fight fiends and provide aid to all in need.
- Brilliant bolt: Deals flame damage to enemies directly ahead, and fires extra shots equal to the number of buffs the user has. A maximum of seven additional shots can be fired.
- Cheerful Assist: Increases the entire team’s strength by 20% for 10 seconds. If used again, the skill will increase the entire team’s defense by 20% for 15 seconds instead, after which the skill will revert to its initial effect.
- Skill Haste +15%: Increases skill gauge fill rate by 15%. Benefits your whole team.
- Sylvan Strength II: Increases the user’s strength by 2% and critical rate by 1% for 15 seconds for every 20-hit combo.
- Woodland Blessing II: Reduces susceptibility to stun and sleep by 100%.
- Buff Time +30%: Increases duration of buff skills by 30%.
Finally, the event to help prepare light adventurers will be running until January 14, 2019. The Lightsunder Ruins will be open every day while this event is on, with its daily bonus doubled. Also, people who spend real money on the 7-Day Pack will get a quadruple daily bonus for this area’s missions.
Dragalia Lost is available for Android and Apple iOS devices.
Published: Jan 10, 2019 09:00 am