Sawaki Takeyasu, the lead designer on El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron, doesn’t work at Ignition. He runs his own company called Crim, which released "Gideon: The Man whom God disliked" shortly after El Shaddai’s launch in Japan. Square Enix plan to release a drama CD of Gideon next month.
"I’m still waiting to be called on for future titles," Takeyasu said speaking with Siliconera. Before working on El Shaddai, Takeyasu was part of Clover Studio and the Okami team. Since the idea for El Shaddai came from UTV Ignition in Europe, I asked Takeyasu what kind of game does he want to create.
"I would want to create an action game with a high tech, but abandoned world. Something like Akira. I think that would be fun."
"Do you think UTV Ignition would support your game," I asked. Takeyasu kindly said, "I would like for them to support my idea." Readers, would you want Ignition to support Takeyasu’s idea?
Published: Jul 22, 2011 05:34 pm