Final Fantasy XIV Patch 5.2

Final Fantasy XIV Patch 5.2 Details New Scenario, Raid Dungeon, and More with New Screenshots

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Square Enix shared the latest on Final Fantasy XIV Patch 5.2 which arrives Mid-February 2020.

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In addition to new screenshots, we have previews for the upcoming Main Scenario Quest, new Eden’s Verse raid dungeon, the new Anamnesis Anyder dungeon, and more.

Main Scenario Quests

Echoes of a Fallen Star

With Eulmore on the path to a brighter tomorrow, the Scions await such time as the Exarch might return them home. Not in idleness, however─for when has any world been content to grant its heroes respite?

Raid Dungeon

Eden’s Verse

Having taken control of the gargantuan sin eater known as Eden, Ryne continues her quest to restore the dormant elements of the Empty, with Urianger, Thancred, and the Warrior of Darkness by her side every step of the way─yet the awakening of an enigmatic young woman may put the mission in jeopardy. Will this erstwhile foe continue to pose a threat, or is there more to her heart than darkness?

New Dungeon

Anamnesis Anyder

Deep in the Tempest─deeper still than the phantom Amaurot of Emet-Selch’s design─lies what remains of Anyder’s ancient edifices. What slumbers forgotten in this bed of knowledge, even the Ondo know not…

Chronicles of a New Era

The Sorrow of Werlyt

The Garlean Empire seeks to break the stalemate with Eorzean forces by unleashing the culmination of its twisted experimentation─a brutal warmachina that exists only to destroy. On both sides of the battlefield, shadows of the past loom large as the decisive clash draws ever closer.

You can check out more details over at the Final Fantasy XIV‘s official website for details on Patch 5.2 and more.

Final Fantasy XIV is available for PlayStation 4 and PC. Check our previous report to check out the latest content added last month. The game also recently started its Valentione’s Day 2020 event.

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