During an Active Time Report event at Tokyo Game Show 2016, Square Enix announced King’s Knight: Wrath of the Dark Dragon, another smartphone game from the universe of Final Fantasy XV.
King’s Knight: Wrath of the Dark Dragon is a new action RPG mobile game from the Final Fantasy XV Universe for iOS and Android devices. Within Final Fantasy XV, Noctis and his friends can often be found playing this title during their downtime.
King’s Knight is celebrating its 30th anniversary with a revival through Final Fantasy XV. As shown in the video, it’s a brand new game and will feature 4-player multiplayer. The game will also be available as a DLC mini-game for Final Fantasy XV.
King’s Knight: Wrath of the Dark Dragon will release in 2016 as a free-to-play title for Android and iOS.
Published: Sep 18, 2016 06:30 am