Gunman Clive originally began life as a Android and Apple iOS game from Hörberg Productions in April 2012. It then extended its reach to the Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wii U, and Windows PC. Now, creator Bertil Hörberg has released a version of the game for the Game Boy.
The Gunman Clive Game Boy Edition isn’t a complete port of the game for the Game Boy. Instead, Hörberg recreated the entire first stage of the original game that is playable on the Game Boy, Game Boy Color, or Game Boy Advance, provided users have the proper equipment or emulator. The level runs at about 60 fps and is nearly identical to the original game, albeit with a slightly altered color scheme and character sprites.
People can download the Gunman Clive Game Boy Edition rom for free. It’s about 64KB. The Gunman Clive HD Collection is Hörberg Productions’ second most recent release and provides Nintendo Wii U owners with versions of Gunman Clive and Gunman Clive 2 for $3.99.
Published: Nov 2, 2015 11:00 am