This isn’t the first time a flash game got picked up for a console release, but it is enough of an anomaly for SilverBirch studios to celebrate. Atari announced they are going to release N for the Nintendo DS and PSP as N+. N is a simple to get into flash game where you are a stick figure ninja who collects gold. There are platforming elements in N since you do lots of jumping (lots of wall jumping) and puzzle elements where you have to find switches to open the door to the next level. N+ will add to the formula with wireless multiplayer, cartridge sharing, downloadable content, online leader boards and new levels. If you’re a fan of N check out Metanet’s SUBLIME contest where you can submit user created levels to be used in N+.
Besides heading to portable consoles N+ is also going to be an Xbox Live Arcade game at a later date. Better start practicing on the original now if you want to snag those 200 Gamerscore points the day N+ comes out.
Published: Jun 4, 2007 01:11 pm