Gunkatana Seeking Kickstarter Funds For Its Bloody, One-Hit Kill Combat

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Taking place in a future where death is entertainment, Gunkatana is now seeking Kicktarter funding to fuel the development of its top-down, high-speed, one-hit kill combat.




Most of the combat abilities in Gunkatana counter each other, turning the game into a fast, deadly version of rock/paper/scissors. A straight stab counters the sword spin, sword spin defeats laser, and more, but few things can stop the playable characters’ various unique special moves.




It’s up to the player to carefully decide which move to use as they rush around the arena in the Hotline Miami-inspired combat, in multiplayer deathmatch or in the single player/co-op story mode.

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Image of Alistair Wong
Alistair Wong
Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!