Bayonetta developer Platinum Games is working with Nintendo on a Wii U launch title. Right now, it’s tentatively called P-100 and has a style that’s more like Viewtiful Joe than Platinum Games’ more visceral titles. P-100 puts you in command of a group of heroes who have to work together to fight off alien invaders. You’ll control heroes like the famous Vending Machine Man and Toilet Bowl Man, a Nintendo rep explained, as he emphasized the game’s humorous tone.
I played P-100 with the Wii U controller and moved the rag tag band with the left analog stick. Pressing A makes the heroes do a weak scramble attack. Basically, they’ll hit what ever is in front of them, but the heroes are much more effective when they "unite."
On the touch screen, you can draw a straight line to make a Unite Sword, which much more range and deals even more damage.
Draw a circle to make a Unite Fist. This is like a slow, but heavy attack.
Drawing a gun makes the Unite Gun, which fires a green blast. Pressing the trigger buttons makes the heroes do a Unite Dodge where all of the heroes turn into a gelatin blob that jumps left or right.
Using unite moves drains a battery and like Deus Ex: Human Revolution only the first battery recharges on its own. Players have to find more batteries which are hidden in garages and on balconies in nearby homes.
After defeating an alien, I found a bunch of unconscious dudes lying on the pavement. I made the heroes wake them up and in return they joined the group, which also made the Unite Sword just a little bit longer. The demo went from one alien fight to the next with a new giant alien to take down every third screen or so.
P-100 is slated for release on Wii U this year.
Published: Jun 6, 2012 02:54 am