Flashback! There were “scary” games on the Atari 2600 like Halloween, which is based off the series of slasher flicks movies. Nothing spells terror like brightly colored rooms and “flickering” lights. And by flickering lights I mean the screen flashes black. In Halloween you play as a babysitter (green shaped thing) and you have to guide kids (wearing the blue pants) away from the knife wielding Michael Myers (faithfully represented in a gray jumpsuit). Myers darts around the screen and you dodge him.
Searching for keys like in modern horror games isn’t scary. Almost getting a knife through your green sweater is. Also props to the box art for having the following bold sayings on it:
“The game where HE comes home.”
"How real can an electronic nightmare be? Find Out!"
You just did!
Published: Oct 31, 2007 10:35 am