honkai star rail remembrance trailblazer build light cones relics
Image via HoYoVerse

Here Are the Best Light Cones And Relics For a Remembrance Trailblazer Build in Honkai: Star Rail

The Remembrance Trailblazer in Honkai: Star Rail is a fantastic unit you should build as a support when putting them on teams. As one of the first and guaranteed Remembrance units anyone can get when playing the game, they can be difficult to build due to the Path’s lack of supports at the moment.

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Trailblazer (Remembrance) is a support character who specializes in buffing allies’ Crit DMG, as well as lets a target ally deal True DMG. This True DMG scales off the target ally’s Max Energy, making Remembrance Trailblazer a fantastic support character for units like Yunli, The Herta, and Argenti. This is because these characters all have more Max Energy than the average attacker in the game.

While the True DMG doesn’t come from Trailblazer (Remembrance), they do scale off Crit DMG when it comes to that aforementioned Crit DMG buff for all allies. Something else you should keep in mind when SPD tuning with Trailblazer is that Mem is a separate entity from them. She has her own HP and stats. While she does appear in the turn order, when she activates Mem’s Support depends on her charge, which you can manipulate with other characters:

  • 1% for every 10 Energy a character recovers
  • 10% every time the Trailblazer uses their Skill (except for when they first summon Mem)
  • 40% every time Trailblazer uses their Ultimate

This is something to keep in mind, as you’ll want to rely more on this than Trailblazer’s SPD to adjust when your attacker receives Mem’s Support. While you should still get SPD on a Remembrance Trailblazer build so that they can hit SPD Breakpoints and get more turns, you should focus more on their Crit DMG and defensive stats. Over 200% Crit DMG is preferable for them, which should be easy to hit since you don’t need to balance that with Crit Rate.

Best Light Cones

remembrance trailblazer light cones build
Image via HoYoVerse
  • Victory In a Blink
    The game is very nice about introducing a new Path in the sense that it gives you a very good Light Cone for Remembrance Trailblazer in the story. You do not need to pay real-world money for the BP one to build them. Victory In a Blink increases the Trailblazer’s Crit DMG, as well as how much DMG everyone deals after their Memosprite uses an ability on an ally target. Both of these buffs mesh very well with Trailblazer’s kit—in fact, it’s tailor-made for them—which is why this is the best Light Cone to equip them with at the moment.
  • Shadowburn
    If you want to give Victory In a Blink to another character, Shadowburn is another good Light Cone for Trailblazer. You will need to pull for it from the gacha, but as a 3-star Light Cone, it shouldn’t take that long to get it. This recovers a Skill Point and regenerates 12 Energy for the Trailblazer the first time they summon Mem. This isn’t that impressive in fights that go on for a long time, but it’s good for random encounters.

Best Relics for Remembrance Trailblazer in Honkai: Star Rail

honkai star rail remembrance trailblazer build relics
Screenshot by Siliconera
  • 4-star Hero of Triumphant Song
    You absolutely need the full set of Hero for Trailblazer, as they can’t do much with that 2-pc ATK bonus. At a full set, it increases their SPD when their Memosprite is out on the field. It also increases their (and Mem’s) Crit DMG every time Mem attacks, which is great for that party-wide Crit DMG buff.
  • 2-pc Sacerdos’ Relived Ordeal, 2-pc Messenger Traversing Hackerspace
    Seeing as Hero is a new Set, it stands to reason that most people don’t have access to an entire 4-pc set. In the meanwhile, you can use a chimera set that boosts Trailblazer’s SPD, which in turn grants them more turns.
  • Sprightly Vonwacq
    Sprightly Vonwacq is good not only for the Energy Regeneration Rate, but also for its ability to Advance Forward Trailblazer’s turn if they have more than 120 SPD. They should be able to break that, as their build naturally favors SPD. As for why this is a good thing, this allows them to summon Mem at the start of the battle. This way, everyone moving after Trailblazer can give Mem more Energy and you’re not “wasting” those turns. You should always forfeit all your Energy to Mem.
  • Lushaka, the Sunken Seas
    Lushaka is a good Set for Energy Regeneration Rate, as well as an ATK bonus for your DPS if you place them first in your team lineup. More Energy Regeneration Rate means more Ultimates. More Ultimates means more Charge for Mem, which will shorten the time you have to wait between Mem’s Support.
  • The Wondrous BananAmusement Park
    This is a Planar Ornament Set that almost feels like HoYoVerse designed for the Trailblazer. It increases their Crit DMG, and they gain even more Crit DMG if they have a summon on the field. Mem should ideally always be around, so Trailblazer should always get that extra bonus to provide even more Crit DMG to the whole party.

Honkai: Star Rail is readily available on the PS5, Windows PC, and mobile devices. You can claim Remembrance Trailblazer for free after completing the “Night Veil, Shroud the Silent Past” Trailblaze Quest.

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