Here’s Our Fire Emblem Engage Gift Guide

Building up Support ranks in Fire Emblem Engage is a good idea. It lets you unlock conversations between characters. It also means that you can get buffs when they fight alongside each other in the field. While fighting together or having meals are two ways to build up the bond, there’s another, faster way. People can give out gifts to characters in Fire Emblem Engage to make them like Alear more for any occasion or birthdays, and we have a guide to help you decide who should get what gift.

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You know, just in case you don’t feel like checking the characters’ pages in the Ally Notebook section of the main menu after hitting the C-rank support level.

Here’s Our Fire Emblem Engage Gift Guide

What are the Fire Emblem Engage universal gifts?

There are three gifts that are always easy to get and readily available on the Somniel in Fire Emblem Engage. As you wander around, gathering at glimmering patches will sometimes net you Horse Manure, Pretty Pebbles, or Spirit Gems.

Horse Manure is the joke gift. Don’t really worry about it. However, both Pretty Pebbles and Spirit Gems are good gifts for everyone. All characters like the pebbles. Not to mention every ally loves the Spirit Gem. Use them if you’re uncertain about other likes and dislikes.

Here’s Our Fire Emblem Engage Gift Guide

Now, about that gift guide to more specific Fire Emblem Engage character gifts?

Okay. Aside from those universal gifts, you can get more unique items once you progress through the game. The Relay Trials in the Tower of Trials rewards you with gifts you can give when you “win.” However, after Timerra joins in Chapter 13 and gets settled, she’ll open up a Flea Market on the Somniel. This shop’s rotating stock exclusively carries gifts you can give to characters.

As for who gets what, the game helps you out a bit. After you hit the C-rank support with a character and talk with them, the Ally Notebook updates with a new page. That will list their likes and dislikes. The description for each gift will also note the kind of person who might like it. So since “training” is under Alfred’s “likes,” he would love the Muscle Balm.

So, here’s the Siliconera Fire Emblem Engage gift guide, based on my interactions and the Ally Notebook. Keep in mind more people might also like these items, but I… just didn’t have enough of them to give to everyone.

  • Animal Treats: Amber, Chloe, and Merrin
  • Antler Earrings: Framme, Panette, and Seadall
  • Bandages: Jean
  • Bear Carving: Amber, Lapis, and Merrin
  • Butterfly Net: Amber and Jean
  • Chrysanthemum: Mauvier and Veyle
  • Cute Apron: Goldmary, Hortensia, and Rosado
  • Desert Marigold: Mauvier and Veyle
  • Dragon Scripture: Alfred, Clanne, Framme, Pandreo, and Vander
  • Dried Meat: Bunet, Chloe, and Etie
  • Elyos History: Alcryst, Citrinne, Clanne, Ivy, Jade, and Zelkov
  • Fairy-Tale Book: Alcryst, Boucheron, Celine, Chloe, Clanne, Ivy, Jade, Jean, and Veyle.
  • Fancy Dagger: Diamant, Kagetsu, Merrin, Saphir, and Yunaka
  • Field Guide: Amber, Chloe, Jade, Lapis, and Merrin
  • Fine Quill Pen: Alcryst, Ivy, Jade, and Vander
  • Fishing Bait: Alcryst, Boucheron, Diamant, and Saphir
  • Flower Wreath: Alfred, Celine, Goldmary, Hortensia, Mauvier, Rosado, and Veyle
  • Horn: Pandreo, Seadall, and Timerra
  • Landscape Art: Boucheron, Goldmary, Hortensia, Rosado, and Zelkov
  • Large Plate: Anna, Bunet, Fogado, Louis, Pandreo, and Timerra.
  • Lentil Flower: Mauvier and Veyle
  • Lily: Mauvier and Veyle
  • Lovely Candle: Celine, Hortensia, and Seadall
  • Lupine Flower: Mauvier and Veyle
  • Muscle Balm: Alfred, Diamant, Etie, Framme, Kagetsu, Lapis, Mauvier, Saphir, and Yunaka
  • Philosophy Book: Alcryst, Clanne, Ivy, and Lindon
  • Playing Cards: Fogado, Pandreo, and Timerra
  • Poetry Book: Alcryst, Boucheron, Celine, Chloe, Clanne, Ivy, Jade, Jean, and Veyle
  • Quality Kerchief: Celine, Citrinne, Goldmary, Hortensia, Rosado, and Vander
  • Roasted Yam: Bunet, Lapis, and Lindon
  • Sewing Kit: Rosado and Zelkov
  • Sharp Chisel: Anna, Diamant, Kagetsu, Mauvier, Merrin, Yunaka, and Zelkov
  • Sheep Wool: Anna and Lapis
  • Spicy Seasonings: Chloe, Panette, and Veyle
  • Spooky Scroll: The only person whose information in the Ally Notebook mentions scary things as a “like” is Panette, so she’s the only person I ever gave it to.
  • Strong Perfume: Goldmary, Hortensia, Rosado, and Timerra.
  • Sun Visor: Alcryst, Alfred, Ivy, Rosado, and Seadall
  • Tea Leaves: Bunet, Celine, Citrinne, Clanne, Ivy, Jean, Lindon, and Louis
  • Training Weight: Alfred, Diamant, Etie, Framme, Kagetsu, Lapis, Mauvier, Saphir, and Yunaka
  • Utility Knife: Diamant, Kagetsu, Lapis, Merrin, Saphir, Yunaka, and Zelkov
  • White Clover: Alfred, Lapis, Louis, Ivy, and Zelkov
  • Yogurt: Bunet and Pandreo
  • Fire Emblem Engage is available for the Nintendo Switch.

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