In Fields of Mistria, the Huge Rocks that litter your farm can be an irritating obstacle early on. You’ll need to upgrade your tools to crack open these eyesores, so here’s how to obtain the Copper Pickaxe and break Huge Rocks in Fields of Mistria.
How to get the Copper Pickaxe in Fields of Mistria
Whether you’re clearing space, looking for lots of stone, or just want them out of the way, you’ll need a Copper Pickaxe to do the job. The absolute easiest way to get your hands on one is to simply buy it from the Blacksmith’s shop for 1000 Tesserae. Alternatively, you could simply craft one yourself.

To craft a Copper Pickaxe you’ll need 4 Copper ingots, which can be crafted in turn from 10 Copper Ore each. You’ll need 40 Copper Ore in total, which you can either buy from the Blacksmith’s again (Which we don’t recommend seeing as it would cost 2000 Tesserae, more than the Pickaxe itself!) or find them in the Mine once you’ve unlocked it. Take your copper to the Forge outside the Blacksmith’s shop and smelt them into Ingots, which will take 20 minutes for each.
You can also get a Copper Ingot for slightly cheaper by completing March’s request for Copper Ore. By bringing him 5 Copper Ore you’ll receive some cash as well as see the Blacksmithing tutorial, after which March will let you keep the ingot he made. Whether you fulfil this request or dont, take your ingots to the forge and craft the Copper Pickaxe the same way you did the ingots, which should take 30 in-game minutes.

How to Break Huge Rocks in Fields of Mistria
Shiny new pickaxe in hand, it’s time to break some rocks. Using the Copper Pickaxe will now break the Huge Rocks on your Fields of Mistria farm in about 5 hits. You can also find them around other areas too, as well as some slightly different looking boulders that break in 3 hits and sometimes contain Sapphires. Breaking them can even open up new areas, such as in the Eastern Road where a boulder to the southeast blocks the way to some blueberry bushes and the Wishing Well.
So that’s how to break Huge Rocks in Fields of Mistria. If you found this guide helpful, be sure to check out Siliconera’s other guides on how to Increase your Bag Size or on which characters can be romanced.
Fields of Mistria is available for PC via Steam Early Access.
Published: Aug 14, 2024 04:15 pm