Pecharunt is the latest Pokemon added to Pokemon Scarlet & Violet and it is a new Mythical Legendary only available in the Mochi Mayhem epilogue. Here is everything you need to know on how to catch Pecharunt in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.

How to complete Mochi Mayhem Epilogue in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Once you have the Mythical Pecha Berry item through the Mystery Gift internet reward and have beaten Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, start the Mochi Mayhem event in Kitakami by interacting with the little purple and black object to the left of the old seller lady. It is a pretty linear epilogue event that takes about an hour to complete. It starts by letting the player go around talking to characters like Carmine, Kieran, and the like.
You’ll have to deal with three different double battles at this point. The first two double battles are against citizens in the village, and they only have a few Pokemon. This should be quite easy if you have a level 80 or so team and are able to defeat all of the trainers in The Indigo Disk. The final battle against Arven and Penny is tougher but still pretty easy to win.

How to beat and catch Pecharunt in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
You’ll have two final back-to-back fights after you win the three trainer battles in this DLC. The first is against Nemona, who, once again, you should be able to beat at this point. Her team consists of the following:
- Pawmot
- Lycanroc
- Kommo-o
- Goodra
- The final two depend on which starter you picked
After this fight, you have a boss battle against the new Mythical Pokemon, Pecharunt. It is a Poison and Ghost type, so your best bet is the following types:
- Dark
- Psychic
- Ghost
However, be careful with using Ghost-type since it is weak to itself. This fight is, again, pretty easy if you’ve been able to make it this far. Once you defeat Pecharunt in the raid-like battle, you can catch it. Feel free to use whatever Pokeball you want, as it is a guaranteed catch.
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet is available exclusively on Nintendo Switch alongside The Teal Mask and The Indigo Disk DLCs.
Published: Jan 12, 2024 07:45 pm