With the new Moonstone Island cooking update, there is a new questline asking you to meet the recipe requests for various townsfolk. However, the recipes they provide are missing ingredients, and it’s up to you to figure out what’s missing. This guide will walk you through how to complete cooking recipe requests.

How to Unlock the Recipe Requests in Moonstone Island
The cooking questline opens as soon as the Cookbook is delivered to you. However, you have a task to complete before your neighbors start making requests. It’s simple though. Simply place the Cookbook and craft a Stove and Prep Station, then make any recipe.
Now visit Ossono in the Tavern and sell your new creation to her. She’ll now hand you the Spring recipes. Talk to her four more times to unlock the remaining recipes. You do not need to complete any to get the next batch.
Just like the Mystery Recipes in the Cookbook, the requests are all missing ingredients that need to be identified with a clue. All unknown crops are tied to the season the recipe is listed as too.

How to Complete the Spring Cooking Requests
The clues for Rowan and Quill’s requests aren’t the most obvious. Rowan’s Mystery Donuts are looking for something “brown and round” while Quill’s Mystery Pasta is simply “spicy”.
However, looking at Spring crops available to you, only one of these is brown and round. That’s the Stonefruit, which is easily found on Earth islands. Similarly, there is only one Spring crop that immediately sounds spicy, which is the Hot Pepper, found on Fire islands.

How to Complete the Summer Cooking Requests
The requests for Cleo and Gaiana both require a Summer crop, one of which is easy to identify while the other is fairly vague. Cleo’s Mystery Cake “does not spin” while Gaiana’s Mystery Ramen only says it’s “shockingly good” which doesn’t offer much.
Cleo’s request is simple. The most obvious Summer crop that spins is the Pinwheel Flower, which grows freely on Water islands. Gaiana’s request can be narrowed down to the two Electric island crops, although it takes process of elimination to identify the missing ingredient as the Zaplant.

How to Complete the Fall Cooking Requests
The Fall recipe requests in Moonstone Island are for Ferra and Paolo, and their clues are a little tricky. Ferra’s Mystery Soup is “rich, creamy and…squishy?” while Paolo’s Mystery Pie is “slightly spooky”.
Despite seeming vague, Ferra’s missing ingredient is right there in the clue. The Squish crop can be found on Earth islands in Fall, and that’s what you need for her request. Paolo’s request can be narrowed down to multiple options, however, with multiple Fall crops matching the “spooky” description. However, combine spooky with it being a pie, and it becomes clear that the Grumpkin is the correct ingredient, making a Traditional Fall Pie.

How to Complete the Winter Cooking Requests
The Winter requests for Ofelia and Waldo are some of the trickier clues. Ofelia’s Mystery Bread states that “the carrot is a nice touch” and Waldo simply says “Careful! Pointy!” which is possibly the least helpful of all the clues.
Fortunately, Ofelia’s request is easy to figure out by looking at the Winter crops. The Snowman Plant is the only one that contains a carrot, and this can be found on Earth islands. Waldo’s request is harder to figure out, as not many of the crops look pointy. However, the Icicle Root does suggest a pointy icicle, and this is the correct ingredient.

How to Complete the Fish Cooking Requests
The final two requests from Zed and Tobin require fish instead of crops. Unlike crops, these aren’t tied to seasons, you just need to find the right islands to catch them. Zed’s Mystery Pie has “grab a slice” as its clue, while Tobin’s Mystery Meal has “savoury stripes” on it.
Zed’s request isn’t offering a slice of pie, so you’ll need to think of something else that has slices. This is referencing the Pizzafish, which is found on Water islands, so you’ll need to catch five of these. You’ll also need a Plantern, which can be found on Electric islands in Fall. For Tobin, there is only one fish in the game which has stripes, which is the Tigerfish. This can be caught on Fire islands.
Moonstone Island is out now for PC and Nintendo Switch.
Published: Aug 1, 2024 09:00 pm