Lovepurr Castle is a side area in Cat Quest 3 that is key to clearing one of the Port Purvanna bounties. To complete it, you must gather three books that have been scattered across the world and complete a short quest within the castle.
To start, you’ll need to find Lovepurr Castle. This is just to the east of the Purvanna Plains, on an small island surrounding by a larger narrow one. Inside you’ll meet Clawford, a pirate ghost who’s looking for three books that have been stolen. The only clue you have to find these books are that the loose pages will guide you to the caves the books have been hidden in.

Where to Find Lovepurr Chronicles Book One in Cat Quest 3
This is the easiest of the three locations to find in Cat Quest 3 as it’s right behind Lovepurr Castle. You’ll see the loose pages leading from the castle to a save on the island surrounding the castle. Enter this cave to find yourself in a dungeon called Lovepurr’s Cave.
This cave requires you to wade through the waterlogged passages avoiding various spiky hazards. For the fast-moving hazards, you’ll need to give yourself a little boost as the float moves slowly. There are two passages you need to head through, arranged in a figure-of-eight pattern of two loops. The book sits at the end of the second loop, and both loops have switches that open a shortcut back to the entrance.
The cave also contains two treasure chests containing a Gunner Eyepatch and some gold, both of which can be seen visibly along the route round the second loop.

Where to Find Lovepurr Chronicles Book Two
The Furrlorn Cave is the second location you’ll need to head to for the Lovepurr Castle quest in Cat Quest 3. It can be found on the western side of Purvanna Plains, where a trail of loose pages will lead you to a cave.
Furrlorn Cave consists of one big loop travelling clockwise. Much like Lovepurr’s Cave, you’ll need to be careful to avoid spiky hazards. The first half of the loop is on foot while the second is on a float in water. The path is straightforward, with the book easily found to the left as you come towards the end of the loop.
There are also three treasure chests in this cave. The first is on the same path as some hazards and contains some gold. The second is down a path to the south of the water section and contains a Gunner Eyepatch. The final chest can be found right by the shortcut door you open to return to the entrance and contains a Meowchine Gun.

Where to Find Lovepurr Chronicles Book Three
The final cave you need to find the complete the Lovepurr Castle quest is the Heartpurreak Cave. This can be found on the Twilight Isles, to the east of Purvanna where you’ll need to go for the third North Star tower. The cave can be found to the right of the channel filled with spike hazards.
This cave is the most complicated as it contains a boss encounter. However, this encounter is against a large spike hazard known as the Heartpurroken. You’ll need to run from this as touching it is highly damaging. A second one will also join the chase a short way into your attempt to escape. To defeat them, you need to get them to follow you past the various smaller spike hazards in the area, as their large size will cause them to crash into them and take damage. You can turn back and cast some spells in their direction, but it’s risky and doesn’t do a lot of damage. Once they’re both down, the doors in the cave will reopen and you can explore freely.
The third book can be found to the right of the lower area. In addition, a treasure chest can be found far to the left of the upper area containing a Furrlintlock and a second can be found on a small path to the south of the entrance containing a Firing Rate++ upgrade for your ship.

How to Complete Lovepurr Castle in Cat Quest 3
Once you’ve assembled all three books, return to Lovepurr Castle to see them all placed on plinths inside. Interact with each one in turn to enter a special dungeon where you progress by making choices associated with doors.
In the first book, your choices must show bravery by helping in the fight against the pi-rats and then complimenting Priscilla. The second book requires you to select the choices that require devising a plan, sneaking into the camp and defending Priscilla. The third book requires you to make choices about Clawford’s honesty, making him state that he regrets his past decisions and saying his brother is the only family he has left. You’ll know you’ve succeeded as you’ll be presented with a chest at the end. The three chests will provide Clawford’s Vest twice and Clawford’s Hat.
Once you’ve succeeded, the door behind the books will open and you’ll have to fight Clawford’s broken soul. This is an easy boss fight as he only uses two attacks. These are some easy to dodge claw swipes and a charge which is telegraphed by him hovering up in the air beforehand. Defeat him and you can claim a Heartbreaker shield from the chest in the battle room and a Heartmender shield from Clawford’s spirit by the books. You can also claim a bounty from the Purvanna tavern for additional rewards, bringing the Lovepurr Castle quest in Cat Quest 3 to an end.
Cat Quest 3 is out now for PC, PS5, PS4, Switch, Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One.
Published: Aug 8, 2024 07:45 pm