How to Craft Breath of Wilderness Infinity Nikki Fragrance
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How to Craft Breath of Wilderness Infinity Nikki Fragrance

Crafting the Breath of Wilderness fragrance is one of the many tasks you will need to complete for the limited-time event, Strings of Time. If you finish all the tasks tied up with the event, you will collect the Melodic Harmony and claim the 4-star “Endless Longing” outfit. However, there are quite a few steps you will need to follow to create the Breath of Wilderness fragrance in Infinity Nikki.

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How Do I Get the Grace of Leaves in Infinity Nikki?

To create the Breath of Wilderness sketch in the Heart of Infinity, you will need the following items:

  • Grace of Leaves
  • 50000 Blings

You can only get the Grace of Leaves in a cave called the Mountain Cavern, which is located on the Firework Isles. The Mountain Cavern can be found northwest on the map, close to the sealine. Here is a screenshot of the exact location you must travel to.

How to Craft Breath of Wilderness Infinity Nikki Fragrance
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Enter the cave and follow the trail until you see a fallen pillar blocking the way. Jump onto this pillar, and a half-missing staircase will be above you. Head up these stairs, go to the left, and you will see another staircase above you. If you follow the path up these stairs, you will run into two fallen pillars leaning on the walls. Use these pillars to your advantage and utilise them as platforms to help you travel along the route. You should then run into a room with a hoard of enemies. Once you have beaten the foes, jump onto the ledge, and you will find the chest that contains the Grace of Leaves.

How to Craft Breath of Wilderness Infinity Nikki Fragrance
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How Do I Make The Breath of Wilderness Sketch in Infinity Nikki?

Once you have created the Breath of Wilderness Sketch, you will need the following materials to make the fragrance:

  • Grudging Cloth
  • Grace of Leaves
  • 10 Broken Heart Patches
  • 10 Furious Ribbon
  • 50 Thread of Purity

From your previous efforts, you already have the Grace of Leaves. You can obtain the Grudging Cloth by defeating an enemy called Grudge Bag, who resides in the Songbreeze Cavern on the Firework Isles. We have an extensive guide on how to get the Grudging Cloth, so make sure to check it out.

Broken Heart Patches are dropped by Sad Sacks, a common enemy in Infinity Nikki, so you should have no problem collecting these. The same stands for the Thread of Purity, as you obtain this material by completing quests, defeating enemies and opening chests.

Furious Ribbons will probably be the item you will spend the most time grinding for. They are dropped by an enemy called Raging Sack, which can only be found on the Firework Isles. You can easily identify them, as they will have a black ribbon on the front of their body. Here are some of the locations where we found the Raging Sack.

Location #1

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Location #2

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Location #3

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Location #4

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Location #5

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Once you have gathered all the items needed, open up the Sketch app on the Pear-Pal tablet and head to the Whim Fragance subsection. Use the items to craft the Breath of Wilderness and the task will be completed. You can also equip the fragrance onto Nikki, allowing her to knock targets back even further after a plunging attack.

Infinity Nikki is now available for the PS5, PC and mobile devices.

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