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How to Craft Memory’s Stardust Earrings in Infinity Nikki

The Wish Festival event is coming to a close soon in Infinity Nikki, but there are still some excellent rewards players are able to get. One such reward includes the Memory’s Stardust earrings accessory, but the catch is players have to craft it themselves. Players need specific materials in order to craft the Memory’s Stardust earrings in Infinity Nikki.

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How to Get the Memory’s Stardust Earrings Sketch

There is only one way to get the Memory’s Stardust earrings sketch at this time and that is by completing the Truth and Celebration quest. You could think of Truth and Celebration as essentially the final quest in the Wish Festival event storyline in update 1.1. You have to do the other quests involving decorating Florawish for the festival in order to get this one.

What this also means is that Memory’s Stardust is effectively an event item only. If you happen to miss out on this particular event, you won’t be able to get these earrings. But, thankfully, it doesn’t take long to complete Truth and Celebration and get the sketch for these earrings.

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How to Craft the Memory’s Stardust Earrings in Infinity Nikki

Completing Truth and Celebration will only get you the sketch for the Memory’s Stardust earrings accessory in Infinity Nikki. What this means is you’ll need to then turn around and gather up the materials for it to craft it so you can start wearing this accessory. Here are the materials you need to craft the Memory’s Stardust earrings:

  • 3 Florapom Essences
  • Bibcoon Furball Essence
  • 5 Bedrock Crystal Plummet
  • 20 Starlit Plums
  • 40 Threads of Purity

What this does mean is you will need to upgrade the Heart of Infinity to allow you to collect Essences for both Collection and Animal Grooming. You’ll also need to do the Realm of the Dark to get the Bedrock Crystals for this one.

Infinity Nikki is available right now for free for Android, iOS, PS5, and PC.

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