Dynasty Warriors Origins marks the return of the champion of the musou genre. Although weapon variety is significantly smaller than previous titles in the Dynasty Warriors franchise, Origins still features a wide selection to pummel your enemies with. Among them are the Twin Pikes, massive, dual-wielded polearms capable of cutting wide swaths through front lines. As with most weapons in Origins, the Twin Pikes have had unique characteristics added to their combos and abilities. Among them is the Enhanced Final Blow, a reinforced strong attack at the end of your wild swings that can do increased damage. You’ll need to perform Enhanced Final Blows to complete a particular set of training objectives. Here’s how to deal the Dynasty Warriors Origins Twin Pikes Enhanced Final Blow.
How to Deal Dynasty Warriors Origins Twin Pikes Enhanced Final Blow
The Twin Pikes do not have finishers in the traditional sense. Their normal attacks cannot be changed into strong ones in order to perform unique moves. Instead, their moveset relies on using those normal attacks to surround yourself with enemies, and let loose by swinging your axes wildly around. By hitting the heavy attack button after a normal attack, or during an evasion or guard-based attack, you will go into a combo that can be extended by repeatedly pressing heavy attack. These combos allow you to clear a space for yourself on the battlefield, and can also do tremendous damage to enemy officer Fortitudes.
The end of each combo is marked by your character entering a differing animation for one final attack. Pressing the heavy attack button right at the end of this attack will activate the Enhanced Final Blow. The timing is a bit difficult to land, but there’s a few ways you can prepare yourself for it. As soon as your character enters the final attack animation, stop mashing heavy attacks and watch carefully. Your Twin Pikes will begin to emit a white glow. You want to hit the heavy attack button just before they connect with their target. If the attack strikes the ground, press heavy attack just before the impact. If the attack swings the pikes in a cross-pattern, the time to heavy attack is just before the blades intersect with one another.

If you do it correctly, you will hear an additional sound effect, and your attack will gain additional visual effects to confirm it. Your attack will also deal increased damage and affect a wider area. Congratulations! You’ve performed the Twin Pikes Enhanced Final Blow. Pay attention to enemy officers in your vicinity when trying to perform the Enhanced Final Blow. Their attacks are capable of knocking you out of your combos. If you’re trying to complete a specific officer training requiring the use of Enhanced Final Blows, it’s best to use skirmish battles, as enemy officers in these missions are often waiting behind a large number of enemies you can practice with.
Good luck completing your officer training! Dynasty Warriors Origins is home to many interesting abilities and mechanics, including the Battle Art Chain. Check our guide on How to Do a Dynasty Warriors Origins Battle Art Chain, to execute those more often. As you adventure across the land, you may run into some Old Coins. For an explanation of what they’re for, check out What to Do With Old Coins in Dynasty Warriors Origins.
Dynasty Warriors Origins is available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and PC.
Published: Jan 28, 2025 08:15 pm