In Persona 3 Reload, Elizabeth will ask you to find food to feed a hungry cat. Here is how to feed the hungry cat in Persona 3 Reload, and where you can find the special food item to complete Elizabeth Request 42.

Where to find Cat Food in Persona 3 Reload – location
Starting around July 9th, you will unlock Elizabeth Request 42, “Please feed the cat.” Sounds straightforward, right? Unfortunately, the Velvet Room hostess doesn’t hint at where you can purchase food for the feline. We have already done the legwork tracking it down, though, and have the answer for you!
Super Cat Food can be found at Paulownia Mall in Persona 3 Reload and is purchased in the Aohige Pharmacy. You can buy the quest item for 700 yen a piece. However, picking up the cat food is only half the battle. Completing the request is actually a bit of a complicated process, which we will explain below.

How to complete Elizabeth Request 42 “Please feed the cat”
Even after obtaining the Super Cat Food, you must find the stray feline. The hungry cat is located at the Port Island Station Outskirts in Persona 3 Reload. Once you warp to the back alley area, you will find the “weak cat” towards the entrance.
Here are the steps to feed the cat in P3R:
- Use your Town Map and fast travel to Paulownia Mall. Once here, visit the Aohige Pharmacy and purchase four cans of Super Cat Food for 700 yen a tin.
- Next, warp to the Port Station Outskirts’ fast travel point during the Day and look for the “weak cat” to the right of the area.
- Interact with the weak cant and select “give him Super Cat food.”
- Return the next day and feed the cat Super Cat Food a second time. You need to repeat this process four times. So, for example, if you start on 7/9, the cat won’t be fully healed until 7/12.

The first step of this quest is pretty straightforward, as you can easily access Paulownia Mall at this point in the story. Following 7/9, the Aohige Pharmacy will carry the Super Cat Food in its inventory. Just scroll to the bottom of his store items, where you can find them under Muscle Drink.

Once you have the Super Cat Food, fast travel to the Port Island Station Outskirts. This step has to be done during the Day, as the cat won’t be out during the Evening. Walk up and interact with it, then choose to give it the Super Cat Food. However, you will get a message that reads, “Maybe the cat will feel better if I come back and feed it again tomorrow…”

Unfortunately this request takes a total of four days to complete. That means you will have to visit the cat four times in a row and repeatedly give him the Super Cat Food before he will be healthy. In my playthrough, I started the request on 7/9, and he wasn’t healthy until 7/12. Eventually, you will get a message that states, “And it seems to have regained all its energy by eating the cat food.” This means you have completed the request!

Now that the cat has regained all its energy, return to Elizabeth for your reward. For completing Elizabeth Request 42, “Please feed the cat,” you get the Male Summer Garb. The new skin can be applied to the main character at the Outfit tab in the Equip menu.

Persona 3 Reload is now available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.
Published: Feb 4, 2024 04:15 pm