Fortnite is currently having one of its strangest crossover events right now with the Tesla auto corporation of all things. With this collaboration, players are now able to get the Tesla Cybertruck in Fortnite. This is what you need to know about how to get the Cybertruck and start cruising around in it.

How to Get a Cybertruck in Fortnite
The Cybertruck is essentially a skin for your vehicle you can get in this game. Unfortunately, this actually means you aren’t able to find it in the wild like the other vehicles. Instead, you have to unlock the Cybertruck. Fortunately, you are surprisingly able to unlock this skin permanently for free.
How you do this is by completing nine of the Summer Road Trip event quests. This is a brand new event that is happening for a limited time. Once you complete nine of them, you will get a ton of free cosmetic rewards, most of important of which is the Cybertruck vehicle skin. If you miss out on this, you will be able to purchase the Cybertruck in a bundle in the item shop beginning on August 6, 2024.

All Summer Road Trip Quests
If you want to ensure you are able to ride around in the Tesla Cybertruck without spending a penny in Fortnite, you’ll want to complete nine of the Summer Road Trip quests. These quests have to do with playing various modes in the game and they drop one-by-one throughout the event. Here are all of the Summer Road Trip quests we know about so far and their stages:
- Earn 60,000 XP in creator-made islands (this will have at least five stages)
- Earn 60,000 XP while in a party (this will have at least four stages)
It is worth noting that every Epic Games-created mode works for the party challenges. You can do these with friends and everyone will unlock rewards, like the Cybertruck, together.
Fortnite is available for free for Android, Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.
Published: Jul 23, 2024 07:45 pm