How to Get More Heals in Ender Magnolia
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How to Get More Heals in Ender Magnolia

Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist can be a challenging game and the limited number of healing charges that protagonist Lilac can use is a big contributing factor to the game’s difficulty. Fortunately, there is a way of increasing the number of times you can heal before resting on a Respite and resetting the enemies.

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In Ender Magnolia you start with 3 healing charges and unlike other Metroidvania games it is perfectly possible to finish the game with only the default healing charges. However, if you find yourself struggling there is one way of increasing them. And that is by equipping certain Totems.

How to Obtain Totems in in Ender Magnolia

Totems are a type of equipment that allows Lilac to parry attacks by pressing the dodge button, but some in particular have the extra added effect of increasing the number of healing charges. Totems like the Carcinus increase healing charges by 1 while each adding unique effects, while others like the Lyra totem increase charges by 2 to a total of 5, with the added effect of reducing your heal potency by 50 HP less than usual but allowing to activate a time-limited attack and defense buff. Another powerful totem is the Ilion, which increases healing to 5 as well, with no downsides but no additional effects.

Meanwhile, the first totem you can obtain in the game is the Krios in the Crystalline Realm, however this one doesn’t increase the number of heals. The Taurus is the first totem available in Ender Magnolia that increases the number of times you can heal. To obtain it you must expand the shop by finding one of the Grimoire items scattered across the world. I noticed the Taurus totem appearing on my store at around the 6-7 hour mark for me, shortly after completing the Crystalline Realm and exploring new zones.

Like in Ender Lilies, the maximum number of Healing Charges you can achieve in Ender Magnolia is 5. However, despite this being an important factor in your success in Ender Magnolia, you might also want to keep your Heal Potency stat high. Doing this will ensure that you don’t need to worry too much about the number of healing charges. You can increase your Heal Potency stat by increasing more powerful Bracelets, either by exploring the game and finding them or unlocking and purchasing them in the store in the main hub.

Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist is readily available for the Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X, and Windows PC via Steam.

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