How to Get Quetzalcoatl Talon in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth?
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How to Get Quetzalcoatl Talon in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

You must find a Quetzalcoatl Talon to complete the “Where the Wind Blows” quest in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Here is how to get the Quetzalcoatl Talon in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth so you can craft a Windmill Gear for Mildred in the Grasslands.

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Screenshot of Quetzalcoatl boss in FFVII Rebirth
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Where to find Quetzalcoatl in FFVII Rebirth

Before looking for the epic beast, you need to unlock the Classified Intel: Winged Lacertilian of Yore encounter first by completing Grasslands World Intel for Chadley. However, we’ve already done the legwork for you and have discovered the exact intel you must complete to reveal Quetzalcoatl’s location on the map.

Quetzalcoatl is unlocked in FFVII Rebirth after you complete four Expedition Intel: Lifespring activities in the Grasslands. It doesn’t matter which Lifespring Intel you complete or the order; it just needs to be four. You can find the exact location of each Lifespring activity available in the Grasslands on the map below:

Screenshot of all Grasslands Lifespring locations in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
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Completing Expedition Intel is fairly simple, as all you need to do is walk up to the Lifespring and follow the button prompts on the screen to scan the crystals. After you’ve completed scanning the fourth Lifespring in the Grasslands, a cutscene will automatically trigger, with Chadley informing you that the intel has revealed the location of Quetzalcoatl. This will unlock the Classified Intel: Winged Lacertilian of Yore encounter, which is the battle with Quetzalcoatl.

Chadley will mark the beast encounter on your map. However, for your convenience, we have provided the exact map location of Quetzalcoatl in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth below:

Screenshot of Quetzalcoatl location in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Quetzalcoatl Talon Location

As mentioned above, you need to head to the Classified Intel: Winged Lacertilian of Yore spot on the map. However, you need to actually defeat the giant monster to obtain the Quetzalcoatl Talon item. Once you’ve unlocked the Classified Intel, simply walk to the location shown on the map above, and Chadley will call you to initiate the battle.

Screenshot of Quetzalcoatl battle in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
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Quetzalcoatl weaknesses

Quetzalcoatl is weak to Ice attacks in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. To easily defeat him, spam Ice Materia spells when you can. Make sure to have a healer in the party, such as Aerith or Barret, to keep Cloud alive.

Lastly, ensure someone in your party has Shiva equipped in their Materia Summoning slot. When your Summon meter is filled up, call on Shiva to drop into battle. The goddess’ powerful Ice attacks will make quick work of Quetzalcoatl.

Screenshot of Shiva in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
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How to Craft Windmill Gear in FFVII Rebirth “Where the Wind Blows” quest

The “Where the Wind Blows” quest can be found on the City of Kalm community board in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. The mission has you speaking to Broden in the Inn, who wants you to help his friend Mildred by the Windmills in the Grasslands.

To complete “Where the Wind Blows,” you need to craft a Windmill Gear for Mildred using the Item Transmuter in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Below are the steps you need to take to complete the side quest.

  • Complete four Expedition Intel: Lifespring activities in the Grasslands for Chadley.
  • After scanning four Lifesprings, you will unlock Classified Intel: Winged Lacertilian of Yore on your map.
  • Head to Classified Intel: Winged Lacertilian of Yore to battle Quetzalcoatl.
  • After defeating the creature, you will get the Quetzalcoatl Talon item.
  • Pause your game and select “Item Transmuter” at the top of the screen.
  • While on the Item Transmuter menu, press “L1” or “R1” on your controller to tab over to the “Key Items” page.
  • Hover over the Windmill Gear and hold the “X” button down to craft it.
    • The Windmill Gear can be crafted with 1 Quetzalcoatl Talon, 2 Iron Ore, 1 Lea Titanium, and 5 Beast Bone.
  • After crafting the Windmill Gear, speak to Mildred and hand over the item to complete the “Where the Wind Blows Quest.”
Screenshot of the Windmill Gear in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is now available exclusively for PlayStation 5.

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