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How to Get Started in Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia

This article is over 4 years old and may contain outdated information

While Dissidia Final Fantasy NT’s updates have ended, Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia is going strong. This is the free-to-play Dissidia game that brings in Final Fantasy characters from every entry, and I do mean every entry, and has them fighting for the light in turn-based battles. While it can get pretty complicated, what with the different ways to build up characters, it is actually a really easy game to get into. Especially if people find they have a lot of free time on their hands.

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The first thing to know about Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia is that all characters are free. You build up your roster by going through the main campaign levels, the permanent Lost Chapters, or the temporary character events. (Don’t worry if you miss an event, as it will eventually be added to the Lost Chapters a few months later.) If you’re just getting your feet wet, your best course of action is to go through at least the first two chapters of the first portion of the campaign and the current limited time character event. (Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles’ Ciaran is available until April 2, 2020.)

After you’ve gotten a few characters and made a start, you should start collecting Crystals for Crystal Strength enhancements. Basically, everything can be enhanced in Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia. Your characters’ Crystal Strength level can give them different passive boosts and additional skills. Since every character gets a second Command Ability after reaching Crystal level 20, you want every character to be at least that level. (As you may expect, maxing out the characters you like most and find the most useful is the best course of action.) You earn Crystals from the daily Pursuit of Crystals permanent events and the Mog’s Gym permanent tutorial events.

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Also, people just getting started in Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia shouldn’t forget to get your supports set. One thing you want to do is Bind and Enhance Summons. You can Bind a summon after going through a new chapter and acquiring the parts necessary to form a Pact. You can then enhance those by completing quests from that chapter or events tied to them for more parts. As for human supports, be sure to follow other players. Their characters will then show up as people who can help you for a few turns temporarily in a fight.

Finally, you should log in every day and participate a bit at a time. Square Enix has been really great about doling out free gems, summon tickets, and support items to help you through the game. Sometimes, there are even free 10+1 pulls on the Event Draws. (One with Cloud, Aerith, and Tifa as the focus is offering one free 10+1 draw until April 9, 2020.) These are the gacha that supply weapons and armor, in particular five-star weapons, for characters. Though, even just showing up and participating in events can also get you Power and Armor Tokens you can trade to get specific five-star weapons and pieces of armor for the exact characters you’re using.

There’s a lot going on in Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia. You’ll have plenty of time to eventually learn about building up specific characters’ Summon Boards to strengthen them and Realizing weapons. If you’re just hopping in for the first time, focus on building up your roster and having fun. There are a lot of quests to take and events to enjoy, and it might be a good idea to spend your first week or two collecting your favorite characters, wading into the story, and seeing who you enjoy using in your three-character party.

Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia is available for Android and Apple iOS devices.

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