Added in FFXIV patch 6.5, the Fierce Tyrant’s Attire is a regal-looking Glamour set to be jealous of. Here’s how to get the Fierce Tyrant’s Attire in Final Fantasy XIV.

How to get the Fierce Tyrant’s Attire in FFXIV
The Fierce Tyrant’s Attire is a reward in PvP Series 5 in Final Fantasy XIV. To get it, you must reach Malmstone Rank 25, which is done by participating in PvP matches.
Upon reaching Malmstone Rank 25, you’ll receive the Fierce Tyrant’s Attire Coffer, which, when used, unlocks the following:
- Fierce Tyrant’s Helm.
- Fierce Tyrant’s Cuirass.
- Fierce Tyrant’s Gauntlets.
- Fierce Tyrant’s Hose.
- Fierce Tyrant’s Sollerets.
Each piece is iLvl 1 and can be equipped by any FFXIV race. The set is also dyeable, so you don’t need to stick to its base color set if you don’t want to.

How to reach Malmstone Rank 25 in Final Fantasy XIV
To reach Malmstone Rank 25 and unlock the Fierce Tyrant’s Attire in Final Fantasy XIV, you must participate in FFXIV PvP matches, namely Crystalline Conflict, Frontlines, and Rival Wings. In my experience, Casual rank Crystalline Conflict is the quickest way to do this. You get more XP for winning, but it doesn’t matter much if you lose since the matches are so short. Doing the Frontline PvP Duty Roulette daily can also help boost your XP and get you to Rank 25 faster.
While the Fierce Tyrant’s Attire is the ultimate prize, you also unlock the following rewards in PvP Series 5:
- Ballroom Etiquette – Defeatest Attitude (Slump Emote) – Malmstone Rank 5.
- Palaistra Framer’s Kit – Malmstone Rank 10.
- Tourmaline Weapon Minion – Malmstone Rank 15.
- Cloud Nine Framer’s Kit – Malmstone Rank 20.
Final Fantasy XIV is available for the PS4, PS5, and PC. It is set to release on the Xbox Series X/S in February 2024.
Published: Jan 17, 2024 07:15 pm