It’s important to keep your Pals happy in Palworld so they can continue to keep up their hard work maintaining your base. Luckily, if they get upset or start slacking off, there are plenty of ways to perk them up again.

Keep Your Pals Fed and Rested
Prevention is better than the cure, and the simplest way to keep your Pals happy in general is to make sure they have plenty of food and places to sleep. When you add a Pal to your base, you will often see a warning that they will need a bed to sleep in, so make sure you build one.
The most basic bed type is a Straw Pal Bed, which is unlocked at level 3, but other types can be unlocked at higher levels. The comfier the bed, the more likely Pals will restore Sanity during the night and be happier during the day. Sometimes Pals will go to sleep outside their bed, but this doesn’t seem to affect their comfort too much.
You will also need a Feed Box in your base, which you will need to keep topped up with food. This will be relatively easy to do once you have a Berry Plantation, as your Pals can help harvest and store a never-ending supply of Berries to feed themselves.
However, it is worth adding a few extra treats here and there, as higher quality cooked food will do a better job of restoring their energy. Once you have a Cooking Pot and can make Flour on a regular basis, it’s worth making a few Jam Filled Buns to store in the Feed Box.

Let Your Pals Relax in the Hot Spring
Sometimes your Pals will want to take a break, and one of the best ways in Palworld to keep them happy when they do is to build a Hot Spring. This is unlocked on the Technology tab at level 9, and can be built with 30 Wood, 15 Stone, 10 Paldium Fragments and 10 Pal Fluids. Pal Fluids can be obtained by battling Water type Pals in the wild.
Once a Hot Spring is built, your Pals will sometimes take a rest in the tub. When they do, they will gradually restore Sanity until they get out again. This is an essential feature to have in your base to keep your Pals happy.
There is also a High Quality Hot Spring available at level 31 which can restore Sanity at a much faster rate. Make sure you build this as soon as you can.

Give Your Pals Some Pets
Sometimes your Pals just aren’t happy despite meeting all their needs. However, there is another way to show your appreciation for them by giving them pets.
To pet a Pal, simply walk up to them and open the radial menu. This is accessed with the 4 key for default PC controls or by clicking in the right stick if you’re using a controller. Select “Pet” and you’ll give them the pets they want. This can help to cheer up Pals who are struggling to stay happy despite everything else.
Palworld is out now in Early Access for PC, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S.
Published: Feb 2, 2024 12:45 pm