Oil is one of the most essential ingredients and items you can find in Stardew Valley. It is so valuable for many different cooking recipes. In addition, it can be somewhat lucrative to sell on its own. If you want to know how to make oil in Stardew Valley, you are in the right place.

How do I make Oil in Stardew Valley?
To be clear, you can easily buy oil if you are in a hurry in this game. That is possible by heading over to Pierre’s General Store anytime it is open and buying it there for 200g. That said, this is not very helpful if you need a lot or you want to save some money. In this case, you’ll want to know how to make your own from scratch.
You can only make oil in this game with the Oil Maker tool. Once you have an Oil Maker, all you need from there is one of the following ingredients to make oil:
- Corn
- Sunflower Seeds
- Sunflower
There is a problem, though. Each of these three items takes varying amounts of time to make oil. For instance, the corn takes basically until the next day (usually around 14 hours). Meanwhile, sunflower seeds will take about two in-game days. Sunflower plants are the fastest since they only take one hour of in-game time.

How do I get an Oil Maker in Stardew Valley?
But before you can ever make oil in Stardew Valley, you need the actual Oil Maker. To get this, you need to reach level eight or higher with your Crafting skill. You also need the following materials to craft the Oil Maker:
- 1 Gold Bar
- 20 Hardwood
- 50 Slimes
With this, you can then put in some corn or sunflowers and make some delicious oil for your cooking. In addition, this Oil Maker also makes Truffle Oil. That requires a single truffle to make and it takes about six hours of in-game time.
Stardew Valley is available right now for the Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC, and mobile devices.
Published: Jul 19, 2024 07:15 am