Uprooting your life and moving to a new town means helping the locals! Which Fields of Mistria will have you do as a core mechanic of the game. This guide will break down how to repair the bridge in Fields of Mistria.

How to Repair the Bridge in Fields of Mistria
Rebuilding the bridge is one of the first orders you’ll receive upon arriving in Mistria. Thankfully, it’s a simple task that any new Mistrian can undertake with relative ease. In order to repair the bridge you will need the following:
- 60 Wood
- 60 Stone
Thankfully, your farm will have more than enough stone and wood to rebuild the bridge. This can be done relatively quickly and will unlock the Carpenter’s Shop. This will further unlock the ability to build furniture, craft items for your farm, and even other buildings. If you feel like your stamina is getting dangerously low, head to the Bathhouse run by Juniper to restore it entirely for free.
And once you’ve completing building the bridge, other main story quests will begin to open up in Mistria. This is arguably the most exciting part, outside of gaining access to another section of the map. Because as the story progresses, you will be able to unlock more features in a gradual, slow-drip of content.
Fields of Mistria is available in Early Access for PC on Steam.
Published: Aug 5, 2024 10:31 pm