The player's farm in World of Warcraft
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How to Start a Farm in World of Warcraft

Need a quick break from farming in World of Warcraft? How about farming? The vegetable kind, that is. Down at Halfhill in Pandaria, players can tend to their farm and grow crops in real time. You can even earn a goat mount or two for your efforts. Here’s how to get started with your very own WoW farm!

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A screenshot of WoW showing how to enable low level quests in the Map menu
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To begin your farming journey in World of Warcraft, head to Pandaria through the portal in your capital city or any other means. Fly to Halfhill in the center of Valley of the Four Winds. If you’re Level 70 or above, make sure to enable “Low-Level Quests” on the map.

Once you’ve arrived in Halfhill, stroll over to the farm (Sungsong Ranch) and talk to Farmer Yoon. Accept the quest “A Helping Hand” to begin the questline to open the farm. Smash the rocks, then speak to Farmer Yoon after the short roleplay to begin your joint partnership in running the farm.

From this point, you will go through six tutorial quests that teach you exactly how to run the farm. Once you’ve completed all six, you will officially begin the road to joining The Tillers and have full access to Sungsong Ranch.

Learn and Grow I: Seeds

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The first quest here is very straightforward. Wander over to The Halfhill Market directly opposite the farm, then speak to Merchant Greenfield. Exhaust the dialogue to receive the Packet of Green Cabbage seeds, then return to Yoon. Easy!

Learn and Grow II: Tilling and Planting

Next, it’s time to till the soil and plant the EZ-Gro Green Cabbage seeds. Simply right-click the soil to till it, and then right-click it again to plant the seeds.

Learn and Grow III: Tending Crops

Now, the crops need watering, which you’ll need to do regularly to maintain the farm. Right-click the Rusty Watering Can on the right of the screen or in your bags while standing in front of the cabbage to water them.

Learn and Grow IV: Harvesting

It’s time to harvest your vegetables. Wait a few seconds for the cabbages to grow, then right-click to harvest them. Don’t get used to the process being this fast, as crops typically take a full real-world day to grow.

Learn and Grow V: Halfhill Market

Dark patch under Farmer Yoon's house in WoW
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Walk underneath Farmer Yoon’s house next to the farm to find a pile of Dark Soil. Click it to loot a Marsh Lily. This quest is intended to introduce you to gifts you can give to Tillers to improve your relationship.

Learn and Grow VI: Gina’s Vote

This final tutorial quest involves combining everything you learned together to grow scallions:

  • Talk to Merchant Greenfield and purchase 4 Scallion Seeds.
  • Return to the farm and till the soil.
  • Click the tilled soil, then right-click the Scallion Seeds in your bag.
  • Tend to the crops and return the next day.

You will notice that your crops will all have a problem that you need to tend to. This will happen to essentially every crop you plant, so be sure to brush up on your tending knowledge in the next section.

Once tended to, all that’s left to do is wait until the next day for your crops to grow. Then, return your beautiful new vegetables to Gina to open your farm in World of Warcraft!

How to tend to crops on the farm in World of Warcraft

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Each time you plant a crop on your farm in WoW, you need to tend to a problem. Below is a full list of issues and how to tend to them.

Smothered Crop

Right-click a smothered crop to jump on top of it. Spam the “Pull” spell that appears (“1” by default) to yank the Encroaching Weed from the ground.

Infested Crops

Infested crops need to be sprayed with a bug sprayer, which you can find to the left of the stairs leading to Yoon’s house on the farm. Simply right-click the bug sprayer in your bag while facing the crop. You can also use a Pest Repeller if you have it unlocked.

Parched Crops

Parched crops need watering, which you’ve already done before in the tutorial quests. If you lost your watering can, there’s a replacement waiting by the tree stump. This can also be done with a sprinkler once you upgrade your farm.

Wiggling Crops

Click on a wiggling crop to summon the Virmen inside, then kill them. Poor little guy.

Tangled Crops

Right-click a tangled crop, and then run in the opposite direction to pull on the vines and untangle them.

Wild Crops

Right-click on a wild crop to have it grab you and bring up a vehicle bar. Spam the “Flex” spell as much as possible and use “Gnaw” when the plant casts “Vine Slam.” Great practice for Mythic+!

Runty Crops

Click on runty crops and jump to gently pull them out of the ground.

Alluring Crops

A ray of light on a crop causes birds to flock to your crop; get ready to defend it. This won’t be a problem once you install a scarecrow on your farm.

World of Warcraft is available for PC and Mac.

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Image of Thomas Cunliffe
Thomas Cunliffe
Thomas has been writing about gaming professionally for over three years, and yapping about them unprofessionally since first picking up a Sega Genesis controller. Beyond his work at Siliconera, Thomas has contributed to gaming outlets such as PC Invasion, Attack of the Fanboy, and Gfinity. When he's not writing, you can find him pointing at an unknown object over on his Facebook page with over 152,000 followers.