How to Unlock all Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero Facilities
Image via NIS America

How to Unlock all Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero Facilities

In Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero, you don’t immediately get to access all the gameplay features tied to Facilities. Instead, these roll out as you advance through the campaign or have Marona summon certain types of Phantoms when you make one in Create Character for the first time. Fortunately, since it is tied to story progression, you never have to worry about missing anything. You just need to pay attention when a chapter begins!

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How do I unlock Facilities in Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero?

Basically, at the start of each chapter there will be an announcement that announces new types of Phantoms have come to the Skullrock Island hub. This means if you go to the Create Character Facility, which opens up after the tutorial stages and is manned by Marona, you can create a character of that type to unlock the feature. NIS America flat out tells you making someone opens it up. The first examples of this are the Fighter and Striker unlocking the Skills menu, Merchant opening up the Shop, and Healer opening up the Heal ability. You then need to make sure those Phantoms are summoned on Skullrock Island and not Banished to your reserves so you can access the 

Now, some of these areas are tied to Marona and Apricot. As such, you won’t be making a character to unlock them. You just need to play through the campaign until you find they opened either during the course of or at the beginning of a chapter. Marona is tied to Create Character for making units, Books and Eggs for things like reincarnating units, and Requests for taking additional missions. Apricot is connected to the Marina where you can assign ships and crews to boost certain passive abilities for characters and Data to check gameplay data based on your progress.

Here are all of the other Facilities you can unlock in Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero and the various Phantoms you need to create to access them.

  • Assign Title Facility where you can assign titles to influence characters: Old Man.
  • Create Dungeon Facility where you can bolster equipment and take on random map dungeons: Explorer.
  • Fusion Facility where you fuse equipment or exchange ones for Mana: Granny.
  • Gadgets Facility where you can craft gadgets for Apricot to summon in battle: Engineer. 
  • Heal Facility where you heal fallen Phantoms: Healer
  • Juice Bar Facility where you can dole out stored EXP to Phantoms: Chef.
  • Music Box Facility where you can listen to songs you purchased from the Shop from the game’s soundtrack: Musician.
  • Salvage Facility where you can get random items: Angler.
  • Shop Facility where you buy items: Merchant.
  • Skills Facility where characters can learn skills: Either the Fighter or Striker.

The first Facilities you unlock via created characters in Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero are Shop, Skills, and Heal. Salvage and Juice come after that. So do Gadgets, Titles, and Music. Some of the last ones are Fusion and Create Dungeon. 

Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero is available for the Switch, PS4, and PS5, and eventually the PC. 

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Image of Jenni Lada
Jenni Lada
Jenni is Editor-in-Chief at Siliconera and has been playing games since getting access to her parents' Intellivision as a toddler. She continues to play on every possible platform and loves all of the systems she owns. (These include a PS4, Switch, Xbox One, WonderSwan Color and even a Vectrex!) You may have also seen her work at GamerTell, Cheat Code Central, Michibiku and PlayStation LifeStyle.