Level-5 hosted their second Inazuma Eleven series live stream, “Inazuma Walker,” where company CEO Akihiro Hino shared a look at the first two screenshots for Inazuma Eleven Ares. [Thanks, Game Jouhou.]
Hino said during the live stream that he’s heard from fans that they’ve been waiting to hear more info about Inazuma Eleven Ares, so he decided to share a first look with two new screenshots for the occasion; however, he did mention that it’s still in its early stages of development, so things might look a little different when it releases. The hardware has yet to be announced.
Hino also teased a look at a new game shown in the above images saying “We might be making a little something for smartphone,” but didn’t share any further information other than what we got from the images.
Published: Dec 9, 2016 07:15 am