Interchannel’s First DSi Enhanced Game Puts You In RPG Battles

This article is over 15 years old and may contain outdated information

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Interchannel announced Kyarachenko, a mini-game collection with a make your own paper avatar feature. Have a DSi? Then you can stamp your face on your creation.


When you play the title’s ten games like Treasure Hunter or Touch Shooting, which looks like it has players tap custom characters to shoot them, you earn extra parts. Particularly interesting for the Siliconera crowd is some kind of RPG battle game that features the paper-thin characters.


There are over 1,000 parts ranging from astronaut gear to Solid Snake look a like (watch the video) to collect.


Kyarachenko comes out in Japan this fall. A North American release has not been announced, but a representative from Interchannel explained they are “talking with publishers.”

Treasure Hunter Card Game RPG Battle Touch Shooting relay

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