Calling all importers, Sony is re-releasing a bunch of Japanese PSP and PS3 games as part of the PlayStation the Best (Japan’s Greatest Hits) series. You will be able to pick up Suikoden: The Woven Web of a Century for 2,940 yen ($32) on disc or 2,300 yen ($25) starting on February 7.
A bunch of Tales games and anime titles like Gundam Memories will also join the PlayStation the Best line up next month. Here’s what you can get on sale and with a yellow stripe.
February 7
Suikoden: The Woven Web of a Century (PSP)
UMD: 2,940 yen / PSN: 2,300 yen
Tokyo Jungle (PS3)
Blu-ray: 3,990 yen / PSN: 3,490 yen
Metal Gear Solid HD Edition (PS3)
Blu-ray: 3,990 yen / PSN: 3,490 yen
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker HD Edition (PS3)
Blu-ray: 3,480 yen / PSN: 2,980 yen
February 14
Dragon’s Dogma (PS3)
Blu-ray: 2,990 yen
February 21
Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 3 (PSP)
UMD: 2,800 yen / PSN: 2,500 yen
Tales of Phantasia Narikiri Dungeon X (PSP)
UMD: 2,800 yen
Toriko: Gourmet Survival (PSP)
UMD: 2,800 yen / PSN 2,800 yen
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Impact (PSP)
UMD: 2,800 yen / PSN: 2,800 yen
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon (PS3)
Blu-ray: 3,800 yen / PSN: 3,600 yen
Saint Seiya: Sanctuary Battle (PS3)
Blu-ray: 3,800 yen
Dragon Ball: Ultimate Tenkaichi (PS3)
Blu-ray: 3,800 yen
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 (PS3)
Blu-ray: 3,800 yen
Yakuza: Dead Souls (PS3)
Blu-ray: 2,940 yen
February 28
Gundam Memories: Memories of Battle (PSP)
UMD: 2,800 yen / PSN: 2,800 yen
Mobile Suit Gundam: New Gihren’s Ambition (PSP)
UMD: 2,800 yen / PSN: 2,800 yen
Macross: Triangle Frontier (PSP)
UMD: 2,800 yen
Published: Jan 14, 2013 02:18 pm