Koihime Enbu is an all-female arcade fighter published by Sega and launched in Japanese arcades last year. It’s been announced on the official website that it’s headed to PS3 and PS4.
The fighter is based on the visual novel, Koihime Muso, that that basically has famous characters like Guan Yu and Lu Bu in their lady-forms as part of a transmogrified version of the Three Kingdoms.
While we still don’t have any details as far as what will be new in the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 version of Koihime Enbu, you can check out the above video for a look at the original arcade fighter by BaseSon.
Koihime Enbu will release in Japan this September for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3. There will also be a limited edition version that features the game’s original soundtrack for 8,800 yen plus tax.
Published: Jun 22, 2015 10:55 pm