Laharl Is The Overlord In Disgaea Dimension 2, But Demons Say "Meh"

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Disgaea Dimension 2 takes place several years after Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness where Laharl is the de facto Overlord. The problem is demons are dilly-dallying doing their own thing and not listening to Laharl. It’s time to tell the Netherworld about King Krichevskoy’s passing and make Laharl’s presence known – demon style – by using force. Laharl’s loyal followers Etna and Flonne join him on this adventure along with… Laharl’s sister who also wants the throne.


Disgaea Dimension 2 uses the series standard battle system where you can team up with adjacent characters for combo attacks and lift/throw allies. Nippon Ichi created new attacks for Disgaea Dimension 2.


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One of the new features in this game are mid-battle event scenes.


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Disgaea Dimension 2 comes out on March 20 for PlayStation 3. Nippon Ichi teases this game will have a battle between Overlord Laharl and Members of the Rebellion.


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