Once you get the freedom to walk around Hawaii in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, perhaps the first substory you can run into is “Wait for Me” and it needs a lot of correct answers. It’s right down the street from the bar where Kasuga and Kiryu get settled and meet Kei, and offers a pretty handsome reward for a newcomer.
Here are the right answers for Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Substory 11: “Wait for Me”
So the first part of this challenge involves looking at Obi’s menu for Tropical and seeing what he sells. There’s Lau Lau, an Acai Bowl, Moco Loco, a Poke bowl, Mahi Mahi, and Haupia. Since I’m giving you all the answers though, you don’t need to memorize it. (Not to mention I forgot to grab a screenshot, because I didn’t think the actual image would be important at the time.) You’ll find it right on the corner of Sakura Street, near the taxi, in Hawaii.

The first part of this challenge is greeting people properly. There are three groups of customers who come to the restaurant. For the first one, you need to give a “friendly” greeting, so move the analog stick until the words on the screen in the gauge says “friendly.” For the second greeting, barely move the analog stick at all so it stays within the “refined” area for the gentleman. Finally, when the family comes up you need to pick the enthusiastic “friendly” option again.
Now, the next part involves taking orders, memorizing them, and heading back to Obi. Talk to the people in any order you want. The three you need to remember is the Ahi Poke Bowl with three Haupias, the Mahi Mahi, and the Lau Lau with an Acai Bowl. This finishes this second section perfectly.

For the third part, you’re going to be picking out dishes based on sight. One of these is easy, because you’ve seen it, but the third adds a dish Obi didn’t show in the initial menu. The first answer here is that the Lau Lau is the dish on the left. For the second one, the Kalua Pig is the dish in the center of the three on the counter.

Finally, Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Substory 11 “Wait for Me” ends this constant barrage of questions and answers with one you might have overlooked since the chef at Tropical right away tells you to call him “Obi.” His name is Obispo. The family will ask Kasuga this at the very end, and supplying the right name makes you a legend of a waiter.

As for the rewards, you get an Employee’s Meal health restoring item, an Epicurean’s Epithet item to increase the Chef job rank by one, and $300.
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth is available for the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.
Published: Jan 25, 2024 12:20 pm