Make As Many Demon Gaze Adventurers As You Want, Just Pay Their Rent

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Demon Gaze, Kadokawa Games and Experience’s upcoming dungeon crawler for the PlayStation Vita, will feature many demons with unique abilities, which can be used in battles or while exploring dungeons. The new character customization will allow players to make their own Demons to their liking.


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We’ve talked about the rampage mode for the demons, as it greatly changes the appearance and personality of our Demons. Here’s a look at the new Demon character, Astro, in normal and rampage mode.


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Comet’s special ability allows her to find hidden doors in the dungeon.


There are also several other abilities; for example some that allows players to have a 100% to escape from battle, some that continuously boosts the entire party’s max HP while continuously healing all the party members during fights.


Players will be able to customize their own characters by starting with 45 different looks, 5 races, 7 job classes, and their voice of choice. It sounds nice being able to create as many characters the players want, but there’s also a catch! Players will have to rent out a room for the Demons they create, in order for them to have a place to live.



It will be up to the players if they’d like to gather a strong core team and expand over time, or spend most of their money on rent. Having the ability to put together your own customized team will allow for strategic planning on what kind of party you’d like to have to tackle each dungeon.


Demon Gaze is slated for release on January 24th, 2013, for PlayStation Vita.

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