Early reports have come in showing some of the Mass Effect: Andromeda characters’ talking and walking animations. This has lead to some concern, as well many gif files showing running, walking, smiling, and speaking animations have been rather rough. (See Nathan Ranney’s series of tweets for examples.) While the EA Access and Origin Access’ Xbox One and PC early access builds both have the day one patch applied to them, BioWare’s Ian Frazier, Lead Designer of Mass Effect: Andromeda, has confirmed that animation adjustments aren’t yet in the update plans.
This report came when he confirmed the day one patch was live for the Xbox One and PC early access builds and someone asked if the developer would be working on facial animation improvements. Frazier’s reply was, “At day 1? No, that ship has sailed. We’ll have more patches later on, exactly what goes into them is still in discussion.” This means everyone who picks up Mass Effect: Andromeda at launch can expect to see the same sorts of talking and walking animations shown in preliminary footage online. However, it doesn’t rule out future patches that may improve character animations.
Mass Effect: Andromeda will come to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in North America on March 21, 2017. It will arrive in Europe on March 23, 2017.
Published: Mar 17, 2017 10:00 am